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List of dishes and music

Creation period
Place of сreation
Saint Petersburg
44x17,7 cm
cardboard, paper, color printing
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The menu (“List of dishes”) was published by the printing house of Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky. The menu was designed Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin in 1913, the year of the Tercentenary of the House of Romanov.

The décor of the country-wide celebrations was executed specifically in the Russian style, which is also evident in the sketch of the lunch menu: in it one can notice the dominating motifs of Old Russian architecture and icon painting. Bilibin, who was well known by that time for his artworks in the Russian style, received the order to work on the design of the menu. The menu as per tradition includes two parts: food and music. Such artistically designed menus were often kept by guests to commemorate their presence at a gala dinner. They were considered collectibles.

In 1913, the Romanov Tercentenary was a tremendous celebration. It included thanksgiving molebens served in churches in all Russian cities, military parades of local military garrisons, solemn balls, dinners and receptions hosted by governors and mayors, historical exhibitions and folk festivals. The windows of many houses and shops were decorated with flags and portraits of Tsar Michael Romanov and the reigning Emperor Nicholas II.

The program of anniversary festivities was extensive, they began in February and lasted until the fall of 1913. In Saint Petersburg, preparations for the festivities had started three years prior. A “Committee of organizing the celebration of the tercentenary of the reigning House of Romanov” was formed and an “Imperial Manifesto” was issued on the occasion. The manifesto, according to the “Ceremonial Protocol”, was read out in all Russian churches after the liturgy, before the solemn prayer service, on February 21, 1913. The celebrations ended with a grand gala dinner at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg on February 24, 1913 (Forgiveness Sunday).

By decree of Nicholas II, in addition to traditional Russian dishes, the lunch menu also included French cuisine, for example, turtle soup and truffles. This seemingly insignificant detail indicated Nicholas’s desire to please “foreign partners”. The contents of the menu of the royal dinner attracted the attention of political opponents of Nicholas II.
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List of dishes and music

Creation period
Place of сreation
Saint Petersburg
44x17,7 cm
cardboard, paper, color printing
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Ivan BilibinCollection

Crimea. Rocks. Sugarloaves
Crimea. Rocks. Sugarloaves
Ivangorod Museum
Эскиз костюма половчанки
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Реставрационный центр им. И.Э. Грабаря
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Bilibin’s Dacha in Batiliman
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Ivangorod Museum
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Мемориальный дом-музей Л.В. Собинова
Обложка к сказке о Золотой рыбке
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Ivangorod Museum
Sister Alionushka and Little Brother Ivanushka
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Ivangorod Museum
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Реставрационный центр им. И.Э. Грабаря
Stage design for “The Romance of a Mummy”
Stage design for “The Romance of a Mummy”
Ivangorod Museum
Эскиз декорации к опере Н.А. Римского-Корсакова
Эскиз декорации к опере Н.А. Римского-Корсакова
Реставрационный центр им. И.Э. Грабаря
Farlaf. Costume sketch
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Portrait of Dunya
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Ivangorod Museum
Эскиз декоративное панно «Персидский мотив»
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Реставрационный центр им. И.Э. Грабаря
Ivangorod Museum
Эскиз костюма для кинофильма «Коваль – богатырь»
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Реставрационный центр им. И.Э. Грабаря
Портрет Чириковой
Портрет Чириковой
Реставрационный центр им. И.Э. Грабаря
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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