The works included into ‘Art album of photography’ were especially valuable as Karelin himself printed all of them using 20×30 glass film via contact method. He used Wet Collodion process that required immediate exposure and laboratory-based processing of glass films: if dry, applied emulsion would lose its properties.
All the works were completed in the 1870s. in the photo studio on Osypnaya Street in the house of the merchant Paltseva. On the reverse side, in the lower corner of some photographs, it is possible to find the small neat handwriting of Rafail Karelin, the youngest son of Karelin; these writing have bothpicture’s name and the part of the house the photo was made in. For example, “Olga Grigorievna Karelina with Lyudmila and Andrew”, bedroom in the house of Paltseva. This makes the photographs of A. Karelin even more unique.
All the works were completed in the 1870s. in the photo studio on Osypnaya Street in the house of the merchant Paltseva. On the reverse side, in the lower corner of some photographs, it is possible to find the small neat handwriting of Rafail Karelin, the youngest son of Karelin; these writing have bothpicture’s name and the part of the house the photo was made in. For example, “Olga Grigorievna Karelina with Lyudmila and Andrew”, bedroom in the house of Paltseva. This makes the photographs of A. Karelin even more unique.