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Female Student

Creation period
Place of сreation
the Russian Empire
131x81 cm
canvas, oil
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Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko was born into a military family in Poltava in 1846. At the age of nine, Nikolai was enrolled in the Poltava Cadet Corps. He continued his studies at the Pavlovsk Military School in St. Petersburg, and then entered the Artillery Academy. Simultaneously with military science, he studied the art of drawing and painting. His first teacher was Ivan Kondratievich Zaitsev, a former serf. In St. Petersburg, Yaroshenko was mentored by the artist Adrian Markovich Volkov. From 1867 to 1874, he was a non-matriculated student at the Academy of Arts under Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy’s tutorship.

Several versions of the painting “Female Student” are known. One of them was destroyed by the artist himself. The second one, shown at the 11th Peredvizhniki exhibition, was presented to his brother and is now on display at the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts. The third version, which is quite similar to the second one, is now housed in the Kyiv National Museum of Russian Art.

The painting depicts a fragile young woman in dark clothes of strict cut hurrying along a foggy street, with a black hat on her head, a shawl draped over her shoulders, and books under her arm. However, the picture should not be interpreted only as a portrait. To some extent, the work conveys a generalized image of a young contemporary of the artist, reflecting the socio-cultural phenomenon of his time.

The writer and journalist Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky wrote in an essay about the “Female Student”,
… the artist subtly notices and conveys to you, the ‘viewer’, ‘to the public’, his most important message by choosing from all this crowd of ‘young girls running around with books’ an ordinary, commonplace figure, embellished with the simplest accessories — a simple dress, shawl, men’s cap, a short haircut … This is the main idea: purely feminine, girlish facial features shine in the picture, if I may say so, with the presence of bright thoughts typical of young men… This is the most elegant, concrete, and moreover the most real fusion of girlish and boyish features in one person, in one figure, who represents neither a female, nor a male thought, but rather a ‘human’ thought; this fusion immediately highlighted and gave meaning to the cap, the shawl and the book, and turned the depicted into a new, recently emerged, extraordinary and brilliant image of a human being.
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Female Student

Creation period
Place of сreation
the Russian Empire
131x81 cm
canvas, oil
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Nikolai YaroshenkoCollection

Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
Portrait of the Nanny
Portrait of the Nanny
Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts
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Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
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Portrait of Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy
Ostrogozhsk Museum of History and Art
Портрет М.П. Ярошенко
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Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
Портрет М.Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина
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Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
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Serpukhov Museum of History and Art
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The National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia
Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
The Portrait of Gleb Uspensky
The Portrait of Gleb Uspensky
Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts
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Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
В монастыре
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Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
Горный пейзаж
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Плёсский музей-заповедник
Мальчик в саду
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Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
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Пятигорск. Этюд
Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
The Blind
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Chelyabinsk State Museum of Fine Arts
Иуда. Эскиз
Иуда. Эскиз
Музей-усадьба художника Н.А. Ярошенко
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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