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Recollection of Italy

Creation period
Early 20th century
121x192 cm
Oil on canvas
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Konstantin Bogaevsky
Recollection of Italy
One of the most remarkable representatives of Symbolism in Russian painting was Konstantin Fyodorovich Bogaevsky (1872–1943), an artist and graphic painter, the creator of an original epic and romantic style of landscape of the Eastern part of the Crimea, an author of romantic Crimean landscapes, images of architectural monuments and imagined landscapes taking us back into the past of Cimmeria and Taurida. Maximilian Voloshin, a poet and art critic, noted that ‘Bogaevsky’s art has emerged in its entirety from the land where he was born. To appreciate his work, one needs to get to know this land.’ Bogaevsky was born and lived most of his life in Feodosia.

In the artist’s landscapes, the city stands out as a place with a variety of cultural traditions. Feodosia was founded as an Ancient Greek colony; under the Ottoman rule it was known as ‘Little Istanbul’, and in the 19th century, already as part of Russia, it was glorified in the art of Ivan Aivazovsky.

Almost everyone in Feodosia had seen Aivazovsky’s paintings, and aspiring artists mastered the rudiments of art by copying them. Bogaevsky was no exception. As a boy he studied with one of Aivazovsky’s students, Adolf Fessler. Later, at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, he happened to become close to another outstanding seascape painter, Arkhip Kuindzhi. Bogaevsky completed his education with a trip across Italy.
K. Bogaevsky. After the Rain. 1938. Source: I.K. Aivazovsky Feodosia Art Gallery
In 1898 году Bogaevsky made a trip across Europe, where he got acquainted with paintings by Claude Lorrain, who became one of his teachers. While visiting Italy in 1909, he became influenced by Nicolas Poussin and Andrea Mantegna, one of the key Italian masters of the 15th century. From him Bogaevsky learned to render the mood of the landscape and somber colours. All that can be seen in the Recollection of Italy.
Inspired by what he saw on his trips, he creates his own images, his own world. Stylizing the form, the colour and painting techniques Bogaevsky achieved decorativeness and monumentality of images. Harmonious and refined tones of his paintings remind ancient tapestries. А. Benois called Bogaevsky ‘a stylist, a decorator and a poet’. The artist always separated the work from life, studies from the creation of the picture itself. The idea was taking shape along with plein-air studies, it was his time for reflection, concentration of impressions, dreams, fantasies. According to the artist’s own confession, he wanted to escape the mundane and create “another, fantasy world”. Thus, Recollection of Mantegna too is a fantasy picture that conveys a mysterious mood. At the same time the landscape looks as a set, with a special romantic perception of nature, for a scene from the remote past that has survived only in legends and tales of yore.
In the early 1910s Bogaevsky participated in the exhibitions by the Mir isskustva group and was carried away by the ideas of symbolism which in Russia were most fully reflected in the art of Mikhail Vrubel. Symbolists ignored the reality around them and turned instead to the world of dreams, fantasies, myths and legends, relying on metaphoric images and allegories.

Inspired by those ideas, Bogaevsky painted his famous Cimmerian Cycle (Cimmeria is the ancient name for eastern Crimea). He sought to render “a landscape full of the great historic past”. Inspired by those ideas, Bogaevsky painted his famous Cimmerian Cycle (Cimmeria is the ancient name for eastern Crimea). He sought to render “a landscape full of the great historic past”. 
The artist found Italian nature had a lot in common with Crimea:
“Some landscapes tend to take you to Crimea, only the air is more silvery and misty and because of it everything seems more beautiful and lighter than back home in Crimea.”
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Recollection of Italy

Creation period
Early 20th century
121x192 cm
Oil on canvas
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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