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Merciful Samaritan

Creation period
1874 year
140x210 cm
oil on canvas
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Surikov V.I.
Merciful Samaritan
By 1874, Vasily Surikov had received four silver medals from the Academy of Arts and was awarded the right to participate in the competition for the 2nd gold medal. He was looking forward to starting this work. In January he wrote to his family: ‘On March 9, they will define the subject of a picture to compete for the gold medal.’ He submitted to the jury a sketch of this planned competition painting, the subject of the painting was ‘Merciful Samaritan’, the subject was approved, and the young artist began to work on the picture. He was so busy that he did not write home to Krasnoyarsk for several months.

The story of merciful Samaritan is described in the Gospel and Jesus Christ told this story to his pupils.
A man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell the victim of robbers, who stole his clothes, wounded him, and went away, leaving him barely alive. A priest happened to be walking along the same road, and when he saw that man, he passed by. A Levite was also walking along the same road, he came up to the wounded man, looked, and passed by. And there was a Samaritan passing by, he found that wounded man, he took pity on him, and came and dressed his wounds, pouring oil and wine on him, and put him on his donkey. The Samaritan took that man to the inn and took care of him…
The artist depicted the moment of the story when the Samaritan, bending over the poor man, is trying to help him. In the distance, you can see the silhouette the Levite walking away. Vasily Surikov used the image of a servant, who was not mentioned in the story. This additional character was needed to create a balanced composition. The artist showed the atmosphere of a hot, lifeless desert with the help of diffused sunlight, soft contours and transparent shadows. This was the first completed large-scale artwork created by Vasily Surikov. For this painting the artist was awarded a small gold medal of the Academy of Arts.

In November 1875, Vasily Surikov graduated from the Academy of Arts and received the title of class artist of the 1st degree. As a sign of his deep gratitude, he presented the picture to the merchant Pyotr Kuznetsov, from Krasnoyarsk. This person was a kind of ‘merciful Samaritan’ for him, he supported the aspiring artist when he decided to move to St. Petersburg and enter the Academy. So the painting moved to Krasnoyarsk.
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Merciful Samaritan

Creation period
1874 year
140x210 cm
oil on canvas
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Vasily SurikovCollection

Портрет А.С. Сурикова, деда художника
Портрет А.С. Сурикова, деда художника
Музей-усадьба В.И. Сурикова
Portrait of Z. Khaminova
Portrait of Z. Khaminova
Tomsk Regional Art Museum
The State Russian Museum
Портрет дяди художника Марка Васильевича
Портрет дяди художника Марка Васильевича
Музей-усадьба В.И. Сурикова
Императрица Анна Иоанновна стреляет оленей
Императрица Анна Иоанновна стреляет оленей
The State Russian Museum
Переход Суворова через Альпы в 1799 году
Переход Суворова через Альпы в 1799 году
The State Russian Museum
Портрет профессора М.П. Черинова
Портрет профессора М.П. Черинова
Музей-усадьба В.И. Сурикова
Музей-усадьба В.И. Сурикова
Гребец в красной рубахе
Гребец в красной рубахе
Музей-усадьба В.И. Сурикова
Girl with braided hair
Girl with braided hair
Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov
Человек с больной рукой
Человек с больной рукой
The State Russian Museum
Покорение Сибири Ермаком
Покорение Сибири Ермаком
The State Russian Museum
Portrait of Young Lady (Boyarishnya)
Portrait of Young Lady (Boyarishnya)
The Samara Regional Museum of Fine Arts
Пир Валтасара
Пир Валтасара
The State Russian Museum
A rower in a red shirt
A rower in a red shirt
Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local History
The State Russian Museum
Минусинский альбом
Минусинский альбом
Музей-усадьба В.И. Сурикова
Portrait of O.M. Velichkina
Portrait of O.M. Velichkina
Krasnodar Museum named after F.A. Kovalenko
Степан Разин
Степан Разин
The State Russian Museum
View of the monument to Peter the Great
View of the monument to Peter the Great
Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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