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A Yard in Mikhailovskaya

Creation period
94x130 cm
oil, canvas
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Ilya Mashkov
A Yard in Mikhailovskaya
From 1930 to 1937, Ilya Mashkov lived in his homeland, the village Mikhailovskaya. During this time, the artist created about 30 paintings. On his first visit, he organized an exhibition in the village and opened an art studio for young people. The artist taught classes there every day.
The researchers distinguish the so-called Mikhailovskaya landscapes as a separate group, which differs significantly from both earlier and later works. In the 1930s, Mashkov turned to everyday reality, to the environment in which people lived, rather than to the wildlife he had painted before. The artist began to work outside often. However, these paintings are rather large; the landscapes of the Mikhailovskaya period are intimate, lyrical, painted in light colors.
My cultural and artistic connection and work with this village, seems to be essential for me. There, I receive and will continue to receive energy and support for myself as a citizen and an artist. Helping me in this work will help my activity in art.
Ilya Mashkov
In his painting ‘A Yard in Mikhailovskaya’, the artist depicted a log house and a homestead of his maternal cousin Andrey Andreyev, where he lived during his first stay in the village. Andrey helped Mashkov to build the House of Socialist Culture, later, he worked there as a custodian. Mashkov also depicted his distant relative Fyokla Stalkova, who was the model for another painting of this period — ‘Collective Farm Woman with Pumpkins’.
In the background, one can see the dome and the bell tower of the Bogogyavlenskaya Church [Church of the Epiphany]. It was the oldest temple built on the Khopra River. This church was first mentioned in historical documents in 1700.
Historians note that it was originally made of wood. In 1764, a stone Bogogyavlenskaya Church with three Lord’s tables at the altar was built there, and in 1775, it was consecrated. The feature of the new church was a freestanding bell tower. Many relics were kept in the Bogoyavlenskaya Church, in particular, the miracle-working icon of Our Lady of Kazan made in the 16th century.
At Soviet times, in the early 1930s, the church remained functional. Ilya Mashkov planned to open a network of cultural institutions in Mikhailovskaya and to place a local history museum in the Bogoyavlenskaya Church. However, these plans would never work, as in 1935, the church was blown up.
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A Yard in Mikhailovskaya

Creation period
94x130 cm
oil, canvas
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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