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Portrait of Dmitry Filosofov

Creation period
81x63 cm
Cardboard, pastel
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Lev Bakst
Portrait of Dmitry Filosofov
Lev Bakst (1866-1924) was one of the leaders of the World of Art artist association, a most popular portrait painter of the period and a theater artist who managed to conquer France and America. ‘Paris was truly besotted with Bakst, ’ wrote the art critic Andrei Levinson. When members of the World of Art group, led by the theatre manager Sergei Diaghilev and the artist Alexander Benoit, started to publish a similarly named magazine, Bakst became the head of its art section. His talent was most vividly demonstrated in the design of the first issues.

His comrades-in-art recollected that at that time the artist discovered the two areas, which he devoted his life to — graphics and theater. Later, Bakst collaborated with Ida Rubinstein’s innovatory theatre company and created costume designs for artists of the Imperial theaters. These costumes made such a profound impression on his contemporaries that even the global fashion bowed to Bakst’s ideas. 
L. Bakst. Odalisque. A sketch for the ‘Scheherazade’ ballet to Rimsky-Korsakov’s music. 1910. Source: Private Collection
In 1910, the artist moved to Paris, where he soon gained fame as a theatrical decorator. He was referred to almost exclusively as the legendary designer of Diaghilev’s Russian Seasons. As if taking cue from Bakst, Paris became enraptured with the Orient and antiquity, while fashion houses were eager to win him over as a dress designer.

Bakst also painted a lot of portraits of his contemporaries — the poetess Zinaida Gippius, the writer Vasily Rozanov and others.
L. Bakst. Portrait of Sergei Diaghilev with Nanny. 1906. Source: Russian Museum
In 1897, the artist painted a portrait of Dmitry Filosofov, who was Diaghilev’s cousin and right-hand man. His friends called him a proud man, an intellectual, an aristocrat. He had a sharp tongue and an outstanding mind, but, apart from that, was quite unpleasant socially. In other words, he was the direct opposite of Bakst. “Bakst”s characteristic feature was his inexorable amiability and benevolence, combined with a childish naivety, which one could plainly see in his extremely short-sighted eyes”, that was how the protagonist of his opus described the artist. They became friendly, owing to their love for art thanks to gatherings at Alexandre Benois’.

In 1898–1904 Dmitry Filosofov worked at the World of Art magazine as the literary section editor and later — as the head of the art criticism section. In the late 1890s he became close with Zinaida Gippius and Dmitry Merezhkovsky and become an active supporter of ‘the new religious consciousness. Filosofov did not embrace the October Revolution. In 1919 the writer emigrated to Poland where ge lived and worked up until his death in 1940s.
The portrait is made in pastel, which was the favorite technique of almost all members of the World of Art association, including Alexander Benoit, Konstantin Somov, Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. Bakst used pastel to convey the richness of shades and multilayers, while preserving the ease of drawing. At the same time, the artist often introduced an element of theatricality into his works. For instance, he depicted Dmitry Filosofov in the role, which he played in society — that of an aesthete, the embodiment of aristocracy and arrogance. This effect is achieved by the main character”s indicative posture and garments that emphasize his artistry.
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Portrait of Dmitry Filosofov

Creation period
81x63 cm
Cardboard, pastel
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
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