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Old Woman with a Stocking

Creation period
65x54,4 cm
canvas, oil painting
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Russian artist Vasyli Tropinin created the painting Old Woman with a Stocking. He is considered the founder of the democratic art developing the traditions of the future Itinerants. Art experts call Tropinin’s work “…a bridge from …regular pictorial art of the 18th century to the realistic art of the second half of the 19th century”.
Vasyli Tropinin was born in Novgorod Province in the family of serfs of count Anton Minich, and later — count Irakly Morkov. The landlord noted artistic capabilities of Tropinin, when he was still a child. In the late 1790-s, he sent Tropinin to the Imperial Academy, where the future artist took classes of gypsum sculpture and painting. Tropinin was one of the best students and won awards in the Academy competitions.
In 1812, Vasyli Tropinin moved to Moscow. The city was in ruins after the fire and the Patriotic War with Napoleon, but the artist was able to rent a studio. His customers were his relatives and friends, former army men, the count’s neighbors and even some celebrities: writer Nikolay Karamzin, artist Carl Bryullov, actor Vasyli Karatygin, publicist Yuri Samarin and poet Alexander Pushkin.
When Vasyli Tropinin turned 47, he and his family managed to get absolute freedom of the serf term. He applied to the Academy for receiving the title of the artist. By that time, he already had a record of dozens of paintings, the most famous of them being Lace-maker and Old Beggar. More and more often portraits by Tropinin depicted average grassroots people: peasants, servants, representatives of the lower crust.
It was in that very period, when the artist painted Old Woman with a Stocking. 1. Tropinin’s wife Anna Katenina became his model (by that time, they had lived together for almost half a century). This is the genre portrait. The artist depicted his wife knitting a stocking. He used a combination of brown and golden hues to convey the atmosphere of homey peace and comfort.
Before 1917 revolution, scientist Boris Chicherin held Old Woman with a Stocking in his collection. In her memoirs, his wife mentions this piece by Vasyli Tropinin as Portrait of Mother. It got to Tambov Ethnography Museum, and then to Tambov Picture Gallery under this name. During the studies of Tropinin’s heritage, it became clear that the State Russian Museum held a smaller version of Old Woman with a Stocking, and Tretyakov Gallery held a chest-high portrait and a sketch to it.
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Old Woman with a Stocking

Creation period
65x54,4 cm
canvas, oil painting
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Vasily TropininCollection

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  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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