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The Rainbow

Creation period
Early 1900s
Place of сreation
Russian Empire
24x33,5 cm
24х33,5 cm
Oil on canvas on cardboard
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Kuindzhi Arkhip Ivanovich
Rainbow. Study for the eponymous painting
A green plain-field between two sloping hills, as flat as ramparts; on the right hill there is a small farm; a typical little Russian landscape… Sunlight, breaking through the clouds, hits the hillside almost in the center of the painting, and it shines only here. Everything else on earth is in partial shade… And clouds are piling up across the sky. On the right side the rainfall is not over yet, and its long, slightly indirect, dark stripes descend from the top and bottom… In the sky (in the middle, against the background of orange light clouds, and on the right and left sides against the background of a dark brownish cloud) a wide bridge shines rainbows. Its tones are surprisingly pure and light… The black distance, still covered with threads of rain, gives an impressionistic gloomy spot
Mikhail Nevedomsky, biographer of Arkhip Kuindzhi wrote about the painting ‘Rainbow’
The composition of this expressive study is more modest and concise, but it makes the same vivid and strong impression and allows you to get an idea about the later period of the artist’s work. This time was marked by indefatigable creative searches and Kuindzhi’s long silence. After the pronounced success of his works in the 1880s such as ‘Evening in Ukraine’, " The Birch Grove’, “Moonlit Night on the Dnieper, ” the artist did not present new paintings to the general public until the beginning of the next century.

With “Rainbow, ” the artist”s silence was broken, and the audience saw another Kuindzhi. Although the new work was compositionally and thematically consonant with the earlier work “After the Rain” (1879), the artist’s coloristic techniques changed significantly. The artist worked on the creation of ‘Rainbow’ for 5 years. During this period, he painted many studies, in which the artist showed himself to be an unsurpassed master of light and color effects. A study from the collection of the Taganrog Art Museum reflects an interesting process of the creative search of painter looking for the only true way to unravel the magic of sunlight.

In a small but exceptionally charming work, one can clearly see the artist’s interest in impressionism. Although Kuindzhi did not use classical impressionistic techniques, he also tried to find similar ways of conveying light and atmospheric environment.

Kuindzhi’s studies ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Waves’ were transferred to the city museum collection after the memorial exhibition of the artist, organized by the Kuindzhi Society in Saint Petersburg. In 1914 the artist’s works were distributed among the provincial museums of Russia.
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The Rainbow

Creation period
Early 1900s
Place of сreation
Russian Empire
24x33,5 cm
24х33,5 cm
Oil on canvas on cardboard
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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