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Portrait of the Merchant A.I. Borisov

Creation period
62x48 cm
oil, canvas
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Dmitry Levitsky 
Портрет купца Андрея ИPortrait of the Merchant A.I. Borisovванович Борисова
‘Portrait of the Merchant Andrey Ivanovich Borisov’ was painted by Dmitry Levitsky — a famous 18th century portraitist. This painting created in 1788 is one of the best Levitsky’s works.

As a serf to Prince Cherkassky, Andrey Borisov managed not only to eventually become free, but also to enter the merchant class. Making the acquaintance of the most prominent contemporaries and getting admitted to the circle of the publisher Nikolai Novikov turned Borisov into one of the “enlightened” merchants.

Levitsky portrayed both the social status and the personality of his model. He managed to render Andrey Borisov’s kind and dignified look. The painter flawlessly depicted the textures as well: the smooth satin of the waistcoat shining at the fold and the dense matte fabric of the caftan.

This painting has an amazing history: it had numerous owners and once was even stolen — fortunately, it was later brought back. The merchant’s descendants preserved a memory of the painting’s first journey. It is written on a sticker attached to the stretcher,

When the rumor of the extraordinary artistic beauty of Borisov’s portrait reached Empress Catherine II, her Majesty, wishing to see this portrait, ordered to present it to her, and being impressed by it, ordered to transfer it to the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera, that is the Imperial Hermitage these days, and commanded Levitsky to paint another portrait for Borisov. Grieved by this order, and most importantly, worried that the second portrait might not turn out well, the merchant Borisov pleaded with the Empress to return the painting from the Kunstkamera back into his possession. Being a great soul, the Monarchess, taking heed of Borisov’s just request, ordered the portrait to be given back to him.
The story is confirmed by the inscription on the back of the canvas, most probably made by one of the Kunstkamera’s employees, “given out on September 21, 1789, at 12 o”clock in the morning”.

The story of the portrait did not end there. In 1861, an art collector Ivan Losev bought the canvas directly from Andrey Borisov’s descendants. Then it would find its way to the Chistopol magistrate Andrey Ostrovsky, the brother of the famous playwright Alexander Ostrovsky. The magistrate brought the painting with him when he was assigned to Kazan. There the picture was bought by an art connoisseur Andrey Likhachov. After his death, by the end of the 19th century, the portrait became the property of the Kazan City Scientific and Industrial Museum.

In 1905, ‘Portrait of the Merchant Andrey Ivanovich Borisov’ ventured the journey once again: it was taken to the grand exhibition ‘Russian portrait’ at the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg. On the way back, thieves stole the canvas right from the carriage at Perovo station. This event excited Kazan, and the newspaper ‘The Evening Echo’ constantly updated the shocked townspeople on the progress of the search. The search went on for two months, and finally the painting was brought back home. On the stretcher there is another sticker confirming this fact — a newspaper clipping of the early 20th century (partially lost).

‘Portrait of the Merchant Andrey Ivanovich Borisov’ has been in the museum since February 1906, and it invariably arouses great interest among visitors.
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Portrait of the Merchant A.I. Borisov

Creation period
62x48 cm
oil, canvas
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