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Portrait of Count S.R. Vorontsov

Creation period
around 1783
69x51 cm
69×51 cm
Oil on canvas
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Dmitry Levitsky
Portrait of Count S.R. Vorontsov
The staff of Vladimir-Suzdal Museum Reserve did not always manage to establish right away the authorship of paintings received in its collection. The displayed portrait was not an exception, as it was not signed. 
The painting was initially registered as The Portrait of an Unknown Emperor, however the archive materials helped the experts determine both the artist and the character in the painting.

The first data about the possible author of the painting was discovered in the debit entries of Alexander Vorontsov, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, made in 1780’s. He wrote: “100 rubles paid to painter Levitsky”. 
Dmitry Levitsky was one of the greatest portrait painters of the XVIII century. He painted portraits of the Empress Catherine II and philosopher Denis Diderot, arts patron Prokofy Demidov and the muse of the Russian Enlightenment Maria Lvova, students of the Smolny Institute for Noble Young Ladies and members of aristocratic families, as well as numerous political and cultural figures of the time. 
Expert examination in the laboratory of the State Russian Museum confirmed the authorship of Levitsky. 
In 1780’s the artist worked on a series of portraits for the Vorontsov family. According to experts, the person portrayed in the painting is Semen Vorontsov, one of the most influential diplomats of the period, brother of Alexander Vorontsov. He served in the Imperial Guard and having distinguished himself in the Russian-Turkish campaign, was decorated with the order of Saint George of the 4-th and then the 3-rd grade. After that Vorontsov devoted his life to diplomatic service and represented Russian interests in London for 20 years.
Levitsky painted not only Semen Romanovich but also his wife Ekaterina.

As a young lady Ekaterina Vorontsova shone at the court of her great namesake Catherine II, she was one of her ladies in waiting. She was an excellent match for the count and they got married in 1780. Semen Vorontsov’s father, Roman Illarionovich, was very happy to hear the news and approved his son’s choice, saying that he ‘chose mutual affection over everything else’. As a young lady Ekaterina Vorontsova shone at the court of her great namesake Catherine II, she was one of her ladies in waiting. She was an excellent match for the count and they got married in 1780. Semen Vorontsov’s father, Roman Illarionovich, was very happy to hear the news and approved his son’s choice, saying that he ‘chose mutual affection over everything else’. 
Miropolsky L.S. (?) (1749 (1754) — 1819) Portrait of Countess Е. А. Vorontsova. 1783. Collection of the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum Reserve. Copy of the portrait by D.G. Levitsky, 1783.
Levitsky created these paintings in two originals around 1783, shortly before the couple went first to Venice and then to London. Experts believe that the artist worked on them together with his assistant Leonty Miropolsky. 
The fate of the portraits was complicated. They were first held by the head of household Roman Vorontsov, then they were passed to Alexander Romanovich and were stored in Andreyevskoe estate. Having no immediate heirs, Alexander Romanovich passed the paintings to his nephew Mikhail, the son of Semen Vorontsov. 
In the XX century after Andreyevskoe estate was nationalized, the portrait of Semen Vorontsov was transferred to Kharkov Museum and then lost during the Great Patriotic War. The portrait of his spouse ended up in the Russian Museum. 
The second unsigned pair of paintings remained in Andreyevskoe and in 1921 was transferred to Vladimir-Suzdal Museum Reserve.
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Portrait of Count S.R. Vorontsov

Creation period
around 1783
69x51 cm
69×51 cm
Oil on canvas
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