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Portrait of E.N. Khruschova and E.N. Khovanskaya

Creation period
164x129 cm
Oil on canvas
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Dmitry Levitsky
Portrait of E.N. Khruschova and E.N. Khovanskaya
The ‘Portrait of E.N. Khruschova and E.N. Khovanskaya’ is part of the series of seven portraits called ‘Graduates from Smolny Institute for Young Ladies’. The cycle was painted by Dmitry Levitsky in the 1770’s -х and commissioned by Catherine II. He depicted the best students of the Smolny Institute for Young Ladies.

Smolny Institute was opened in S.-Petersburg in 1764. It was a personal project of the Empress, the first educational establishment for women in Russia. It embodied the important ideas of the European Enlightenment: the Empress hoped that educated young ladies would help soften cruel morals of the society and create “a new breed of people”.
Smolny Institute students were girls aged six to eighteen. Parents had to sign a paper certifying that they would not take their children back until the end of studies. The students were taught all the disciplines important for social life and court service: foreign languages, history and geography, singing and playing musical instruments, etiquette.
Catherine II paid special attention to the theater. She considered this type of art important for developing good morals and range of interests and personally selected plays for students. The Smolny students performed theater plays in the presence of distinguished guests.
The Empress’s passion for the theater was also reflected in the portraits of students. The artist painted almost all the young girls in stage costumes. Abstract landscapes, decorative background and the low horizon line add to the impression that the characters are standing on a theater stage.
In the portrait, Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya are also performing roles in a play. Levitsky painted them in a scene from the comical opera-pastorale by Vincenzo Ciampi ‘Caprice of Love or Ninetta at the Court’.
Dmitry Levitsky. Portrait of E.N. Khruschova and E.N. Khovanskaya. In the process of restoration.
Pastorale — from the French ‘pastorale’, ‘shepherd’s’ — is an art genre depicting peaceful rural life. In Levitsky’s painting, the ten-year old Khruschova plays a cheeky shepherd Cole and eleven-year old Khovanskaya plays a timid shepherdess Ninette. Despite their young age, the girls perform their roles confidently and accurately.
Dmitry Levitsky. Portrait of E.N. Khruschova and E.N. Khovanskaya. Prior to restoration
The painting genre may be defined as a ‘role portrait’. This is not just an official ceremonial representation, but a portrait-painting, depicting characters in motion as part of an overall action. The artist painted the whole series ‘Graduates from Smolny Institute for Young Ladies’ in the same manner. The cycle became popular due to its vivacity and brought fame to its creator, Dmitry Levitsky.
Ekaterina Khruschova was the daughter of major general Nikolai Khruschov and Praskovia Khruschova, born princess Volkonskaya. She graduated from Smolny Institute with honors and the monogram of Catherine II — the emblem of a lady-in-waiting.
Ekaterina Khovanskaya was s descendant of an ancient princely family. His father was colonel duke Nikolai Khovansky and her mother — Duchess Maria Khovanskaya, born Schepotyeva. Like her friend and namesake, Khovanskaya graduated from Smolny Institute with the monogram of Catherine II.
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Portrait of E.N. Khruschova and E.N. Khovanskaya

Creation period
164x129 cm
Oil on canvas
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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