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Lilacs in the Basket

Creation period
Place of сreation
Kaluga Oblast, the USSR
81x70,5 cm
canvas, oil
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The artist Pyotr Konchalovsky bought the Bugry estate in the Kaluga Oblast in 1932. Its previous owner, Dr. Ivan Troyanovsky, was a keen gardener and planted more than ten varieties of lilacs. The estate and its surroundings had attracted the artist during his first visit to Belkino in 1907. After the purchase of Bugry, the Konchalovskys spent most of the year at the estate — they left Moscow in early April and stayed until late autumn. They received guests there, including Sergei Prokofiev and Alexey Tolstoy. A new creative period for Pyotr Konchalovsky began at Bugry.
The nature of Central Russia captivated Pyotr Petrovich, and it is not clear whether he created it, or the nature created his paintings. This is where the whole series of lilacs, peonies and landscapes begin.
Olga Vasilievna, the artist’s wife, remarked
Like the previous owner of the estate, Pyotr Konchalovsky was fond of gardening and took care of exotic trees. Konchalovsky created his widely known “lilac” still lifes at Bugry.
During the blooming season, the artist tried to paint lilacs every day. In total he produced more than 40 “lilac” paintings. Konchalovsky believed that lilacs are very difficult to paint; it is important to capture all their tints and the particular shape of their petals. It is believed that the artist succeeded in painting lilacs if one can smell their scent while looking at the picture. Pyotr Konchalovsky painted lilacs in baskets, glasses, vases, jugs, in the background of gardens and interiors. There were lilacs in every possible shade and shape in Bugry. Pyotr Petrovich shared the seedlings with the agronomists of Obninsk, and lilacs adorn the town to this day.
Pyotr Konchalovsky worked in a variety of genres and styles. He painted more than two thousand pictures during his 60 years in the profession. He was influenced by the post-impressionist Paul Cézanne and Vasily Surikov, who was Konchalovsky’s father-in-law and went out sketching with him. The still life was one of Pyotr Konchalovsky’s favorite genres. In his works he proved that the still life can have the same richness of psychological features as other genres of painting. Konchalovsky considered the work on floral still lifes “the greatest exercise for any painter”. He painted flowers, fruit and vegetables with great passion and temperament. In the Museum of the History of Obninsk there is a painting by Pyotr Konchalovsky “Lilacs in the Basket”, created in 1948.
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Lilacs in the Basket

Creation period
Place of сreation
Kaluga Oblast, the USSR
81x70,5 cm
canvas, oil
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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