Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi was one of the recognized realist artists of the second half of the 19th century, the inspirer and organizer of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, an art theorist, art critic and rebel against the rule of the Academy of Arts. Nevertheless, contemporaries depicted by him on his canvas occupy the largest place in his legacy.
Head of an Old Peasant
Creation period
58,8x46,8 cm
58,8×46,8 cm
58,8×46,8 cm
oil on canvas
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Ivan Kramskoi
Head of an Old Peasant
His main and greatest work is portraits, portraits, portraits. He created a lot of them and how seriously, with such endurance! This is a terrible, murderous job! I can say this from some personal experience.
Ilya Efimovich Repin about Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi
Leo Tolstoy, Peter Botkin, Alexander Griboedov, Nikolai Nekrasov, Taras Shevchenko, Petr Tretyakov, Arkhip Kuindzhi, and Ilya Repin himself - they all became heroes of Ivan Kramskoi’s portraits, remaining in history with their realistic appearance, their soul captured by the artist.
Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi (1837–1887). Self-portrait. 1874. Oil on cardboard. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The creative abilities of Ivan Kramskoy were manifested in a series of peasants’ portraits, depicting folk types, as was customary in the realistic direction of that time. These sketches for the planned large canvas of a peasant gathering are a kind of research, a desire to get closer to the people, to try to understand what the national character and soul are made up of.
‘Hiver’, ‘Miller’, ‘Forester’, ‘Contemplator’, ‘Mina Moiseyev’ are all so different, thoughtful and mocking, with a precisely written character that comes from turning the head, hand gesture, looking and clothes. Ivan Kramskoi himself came from a family of a clerk in the city of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh province. In his youth, along with a Kharkov photographer who shot military exercises, he traveled around half of Russia as a retoucher and watercolorist and saw many types of people.
Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi (1837–1887). Forester. 1874. Oil on canvas. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
The portrait of an old peasant from the collection of the Penza Gallery depicts a mighty and stern man, immersed in his gloomy thoughts, with a heavy gaze withdrawn from the viewer. The eyes are in the shadow of long hair, a gray beard hides half of the face, and only a straight large nose stands out in the light. The artist is indifferent to clothing and background, only the face is painted with special care, it is calm, but severe and reflects the inner strength and dignity of a person.
Ivan Kramskoi was considered a master of tonal drawing, and on this point author’s addiction to dimming colors to the detriment of light and color diversity turns into emotional expressiveness. Tightening the palette, the artist seemed to show the viewer the severity of the years lived by the peasant, his hard share, gloomy thoughts about the future. The figure as if merges with the darkness around, slips into it, as the peasant goes into his thoughts.
Penza Regional Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
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Head of an Old Peasant
Creation period
58,8x46,8 cm
58,8×46,8 cm
58,8×46,8 cm
oil on canvas

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