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Calm Sea

Creation period
48x64 cm
oil, canvas
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Ivan Aivazovsky
Calm Sea
The painting ‘Calm Sea’ is made in a range of dark blue and light blue tones. On the horizon, the sea is smoothly connecting with the sky. Ivan Aivazovsky achieved this effect by glazing — the use of paints diluted with a large amount of solvent, so that color is deep and complex. With glazing, he managed to paint various lighting effects on the water and transmit its mixed color. A term ‘Aivazovsky’s wave’ appeared in the history of art — translucent foaming wave which is often met in his paintings and which he created by glazing.
You can often find a motive of an open water space flooded with sunlight in Aivazovsky’s small paintings. In principle, the artist hardly painted from life, considering, force of nature is impossible to depict due to its constant changes.
Aivazovsky spoke about his own creative method:
A person, who is not gifted with good memory that can preserve all impressions of living nature, can be a successful copyist, a living photographic apparatus but never a genuine artist. Movements of living forces are elusive for a brush: to paint lightning, gust of wind, splash of the wave — all these things are impossible when painting from nature. I create the plot of a picture in my memory just like a poet creates the plot of a poem…
‘Calm Sea’ is a great example of romantic direction in the Russian painting. While depicting the sea, Aivazovsky puts the viewer in the center of events and at the same time he transmits in the painting his own emotions from the landscape, from powerful calm sea force.

The artist created his own original pictorial language. As the time goes by, his expressive means changed. For example, the artist’s palette and the general color of his works became lighter. In the later period of his art, Aivazovsky became more restrained in transmitting picturesque effects of nature.

Light was an integral part in Aivazovsky’s art. You can see the sea in his works at any time of the day: either sunrise or moonlit night. He managed to skillfully transmit all the shades of sea water: from transparent, almost colorless through all possible nuances of blue, dark blue, sky blue to thick black.

In the year of creation of ‘Calm Sea’, he was living in Feodosia. In 1880, he opened an exhibition hall in his house where his own works were presented. That year is officially considered the year of creation of the Aivazovsky National Art Gallery which he left to his native city.
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Calm Sea

Creation period
48x64 cm
oil, canvas
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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