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Creation period
160x131 cm
160×131 cm
oil on canvas
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Aristarkh Lentulov
Penza Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky possesses the third most important in Russia collection of works by Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov, one of the representatives of the Russian avant-garde and a member of the ‘Jack of Diamonds’ group.

Aristarkh Vasilievich was born near Penza. He began to study art at the Penza Art School, where he created many of his works.
Emblem of the ‘Jack of Diamonds’ group.
In 1910, together with young artists — Pyotr Konchalovsky, Ilya Mashkov, Robert Falk, Mikhail Larionov, and Natalya Goncharova — he created the ‘Jack of Diamonds’ group, which existed until 1917.
Group members studied the latest trends in art, experimented with bright colors, brittle contours, interpreted European cubism and cubo-futurism in a Russian way, and were carried away by the expressiveness of painting and creating an extra-emotional image. They emphasized the materiality, ‘thingness’ of the world, professed a clear design of the picture, the objectivity of form and, at the same time, the intensity, the fullness of color, which were interpreted through the emotions of the author.

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Aristarkh Vasilievich Lentulov (1882–1943). Lady in Pink. 1913. Oil on canvas. Penza Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
Contemporaries recalled Lentulov as a temperamental cheerful giant who conquered those around him with kindness of soul, vitality and openness. This is how he appears in a self-portrait of 1915, where the mighty black-haired legendary hero, akimbo, looks down on the viewer, posing against a bright pattern. 

The late self-portrait of 1940, stored in the Penza Art Gallery, is more realistic, calm and balanced. He depicts a successful and recognized Soviet artist who, at the end of his life, departed from the bold style of his youth and became the chairman of the Moscow Artists Society, founded by him. 

On a self-portrait, Aristarkh Lentulov is depicted almost at full height in the workshop, surrounded by his favorite things. The work created with a free brush, but with great love for detail. In the room, you can see an open piano with notes, a Viennese chair, a table with a decanter and a teapot, a fragment of the picture. The whole composition of the canvas, soft greenish gamma with an admixture of ocher, the image of the artist himself radiates calm and confidence. 

The piano in the picture is of the same importance as the brush in the hands of the artist. Aristarkh Vasilievich was a very musical person, he loved to sing while working, and, according to the memoirs of his daughter, he loved to sing a duet with Feodor Chaliapin himself, who often visited the Lentulovs' house. He was a close associate of Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, whose color and sound theory fascinated the painter so much that he created a huge canvas in the background of the stage for presentation of the Scriabin’s “Prometheus”, which was highlighted in different colors with special searchlights as the music changed.
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Creation period
160x131 cm
160×131 cm
oil on canvas
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