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Torgovaya street

Creation period
Torgovaya street. Photocopied from a post card
10х15 cm
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Ivanov S.E.
Torgovaya street
The MIra street is the busiest and most remarkable street in YelEts. It is a complete naturally evolved architectural complex consisting of the houses built mainly in the middle of the 19th century. Here, in the center of the city, the richest residents of the city — merchants had built their mansions. These were solid structures, with meter-thick walls that would last for centuries. The design of their facades is based on classical architectural forms. All the buildings are situated close to each other. The houses are different in details and proportions, they were built at different times, they are, however, well combined with each other, they maintain a single scale, well aligned with the width of the street. But at the same time, this scale is proportional to the human perception, and hence it creates the feeling of intimacy, and at the same time brings the aroma of antiquity, which makes the look of YelEts unique and attractive. The street was a busy shopping street in the city center. This meaning has the old name of the street — Torgovaya or Trade street. Torgovaya street, located in the city center, was a continuous row of the best shops, hotels, and photo studios. Eye-catching signs of large stores inevitable attracted the attention of potential buyers. Merchants who were not so wealthy used simple tin signs with the name of the owner and his type of activity. The memory of Ivan Bunin, the Nobel prize winner, who keenly perceived the world around him, kept the following:
‘The smell of bakeries and iron roofs, the pavement on the TorgOvaya street, tea, buns and the sounds of Persian march in the Kars tavern… the floors in the shops watered from teapots, the smell of fish from the fish shops, dill, RomAnov shag’.
Bunin I.A. ‘Bowl of life’
Young Ivan Bunin made his first purchase for his own money in Puzevsky’s stationery store on Torgovaya street: an album for photographs. Next to it was the Klimenko’s photo studio ‘Aneli’. In Yelets photo studios in different years were taken pictures of many of the Bunins, their relatives and friends. He often went to the Rusinov’s bookstore - to read or borrow some interesting books and magazines. Nearby, at the Zalkind’s bookstore, you could subscribe to the newspaper Orlovsky Vestnik, where Bunin would work for in a few years… For wealthy customers Torgovaya street offered: salon of ladies gifts, Guelet’s “Gramophone records”, Sakharov’s bird store, Dayev’s “golden” store, two great stores with stationery - the Zalkind’s one and Puzevsky’s one. Neronov’s shop was selling sugar, coffee, and various goods from colonial regions delivered from St. Petersburg; and Berger’s pastry shop attracted with the aromas of fresh pastries.
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Torgovaya street

Creation period
Torgovaya street. Photocopied from a post card
10х15 cm
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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