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Children’s Park

Creation period
2010 year
10x15 cm
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Ivanon S.E.
Children’s Park
Children’s park is a favorite place for any child. Carousels, swings, all kinds of amusements, beautifully trimmed bushes, nice flower beds. In Bunin’s days, the Truzzi Circus often gave their performances here, even in winter. The circus was founded and maintained by a family of talented jugglers and horse trainers, descendants of one of the oldest Italian circus families. At that time, the three Truzzi brothers performed in the circus: Rudolfo — an outstanding horse trainer and excellent administrator, Gigetto was a talented jockey and Enrico was a first-class juggler on a horse. It was him who began to juggle with burning torches when standing on the horse back, for the first time in the history of circus. From 1881 to 1896, the circus gave performances in Oryol, Yelets, Kursk, Mogilyov, and Moscow. Contemporaries noted that Truzzi Circus had very good discipline, like none of the circuses that worked in Russia had. The performance began as a sacrament. The program was arranged in a way to have each artist engaged several times during one performance, so that no one in the circus remained idle. This circus began the history of the Durov circus dynasty and the career of the famous strongman Ivan PoddUbny. The lion tamer Miss Cora also performed at the Truzzi Circus.
“We spent that evening inside the huge and cold circus tent of the Truzzi brothers… Clowns with flour-white faces and orange hair, wearing huge trousers briskly, like parrots, rushed into the stage and awkwardly fell on the sand: behind them a white horse was running heavily, on its wide back there was a short-legged woman in a pink leotard, with tight thighs under a ballet skirt. Music was hammering out with a carefree prowess: “Ivushka, Ivushka, my green one”, a handsome black-bearded director wearing a tailcoat, boots, and a top hat was standing and turning round in the middle of the stage, he had a long whip, and smacked it evenly and wonderfully, the horse sharply arching its neck, all leaning on one side, galloped heavily along the very edge of the circle, the woman was springing on its back, and suddenly with a short cry, she made a huge leap up and with broke through the paper shield raised in front of her by the stall masters.’ When, after the applause of the audience, the rider was leaving the stage, the music stopped, ‘and the circus froze in sweet horror: the stall masters ran behind the arena, dragging a huge iron cage behind them. And behind the scene suddenly the terrible roar was heard… and then such a powerful royal breath-out followed, that the entire Truzzi circus tent was shaking to its foundations…’
Bunin I.A. ‘Arseniev’s life’
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Children’s Park

Creation period
2010 year
10x15 cm
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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