Irina and Felix Yusupov remained in Russian history as one of the most beautiful and wealthy married couples. The young man was a descendant of an old family that dated back to the Nogai Murza (the Murza were the highest class of the Nogai people, they were at the head of the nomadic auls). He graduated from Oxford and inherited a fabulous fortune. The incredibly beautiful Irina Romanova belonged to the royal house — she was the granddaughter and favorite of the widowed Empress.
Their marriage seemed impossible to all the high society of Russia: too controversial was the figure of the groom to even allow the idea that he could become related to the imperial family. However, the couple married and never regretted their choice.
Sincere and tender love can be found in the correspondence between Irina and Felix. So, in a letter dated July 20, 1924, Irina wrote to her husband:
Their marriage seemed impossible to all the high society of Russia: too controversial was the figure of the groom to even allow the idea that he could become related to the imperial family. However, the couple married and never regretted their choice.
Sincere and tender love can be found in the correspondence between Irina and Felix. So, in a letter dated July 20, 1924, Irina wrote to her husband: