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Khan Yusuf

Creation period
Place of сreation
60x40 cm
copy, printing on a plastic film, base – fiberboard
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Khan Yusuf
Yusupov princely family descended from Yusuf-Murza, the ruler of the Nogai Horde. Khan Yusuf was the most powerful and educated among the Murzas.
Murza was a name for a prince in the Turkic states, such as the Kazan, Astrakhan, Crimean, Siberian khanates, and the Nogai Horde. This word is borrowed from the Persian language and translates into Russian as “ruler”.
The Nogai Horde was formed after the collapse of the Golden Horde and reched its final form in 1440. Uluses lived in the interfluve of the Volga and the Urals. An important role in the formation of the Nogai Horde was played by the temnik of the Golden Horde, Edigey, who ruled in 1396 — 1411. Yusuf-Murza himself considered him his ancestor.
Yusuf became the ruler of the Nogai Horde in 1548 (according to other sources — in 1549) after the death of his brother Sheikh Mamai Biya, and appointed his younger brother Ismail as the heir-nuradin. With the help of uluses, Yusuf roamed the Yaik and Kama near the Kazan Khanate, and Ismail owned nomad camps along the Volga and passed the winter near Astrakhan.
In the book “Before the Exile. 1887 — 1917”, Felix Yusupov wrote about his distant ancestor:
Khan Yusuf is one of the strongest and smartest rulers of that time. Ivan the Terrible, whose ally he had been for twenty years, revered the Nogai Horde as a state, and himself as a sovereign. Both exchanged gifts, gave each other saddles, armor in diamonds and yakhonts, sable and ermine fur coats, tents sewn from expensive silk. The king called Yusuf his ‘friend and brother’, and he wrote to the king: “He who has a thousand friends has a single friend, he who has a single enemy has a thousand enemies.
Yusuf had four sons — Ali, Yunus, Ibrahim, El, and a daughter, Syuyumbike, whom in 1536, Yusuf married off to the Kazan Khan Safa Giray. Ten years later, Yusuf helped the deposed Safa-Giray restore power in Kazan but did not receive gratitude and stopped communicating with him. After Safa-Giray died in 1549, Syuyumbike became the ruler-regent for Utemish-Giray’s young son. She ruled until 1551 until the Moscow protege Shah Ali came to her place. Syuyumbike and her son were taken to Moscow against their will.
Angered by this, Yusuf began raiding the border regions of the Russian state. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible and his army took Kazan. Internal strife began in the Yusuf dynasty, during which Yusuf died in 1554. Three years later, the bey of the Nogai Horde, Ismail, recognized himself as a vassal of Ivan the Terrible and concluded an alliance with him.
Yusuf’s three sons, Murza Yunus, Ibrahim, and El, joined the service of the Moscow tsar and received the city of Romanov from the tsar. Felix Yusupov wrote
After Yusuf’s death, his descendants quarreled until the end of the 17th century. Yusuf’s great-grandson Abdul Mirza was baptized, named Dmitry, and received the title of Prince Yusupov from Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. The new prince, known for his courage, went with the tsar to fight Crimea and Poland. The campaigns ended successfully, and Russia got everything that it had lost earlier.
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Khan Yusuf

Creation period
Place of сreation
60x40 cm
copy, printing on a plastic film, base – fiberboard
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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