Artist Ramilya Fazleeva lives and works in her hometown of Yanaul in the north of Bashkiria. After graduating from school, she left for Kungur, entered the Kungur Art and Technical School, the department of stone carving. Then she worked at the ‘Uralskiy Kamnerez’ Combine in the village of Krasny Yasyl, Perm Region. Later Ramilya Nakibovna graduated from the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute with a degree in architecture of residential and public buildings and worked in Perm at the Permagropromproekt design institute.
All this time she worked with soft ornamental stones: soapstone, calcite, selenite and others. Knowing well their properties, the master used processing methods that allowed preserving the texture of the material, its color and shape.
In addition to simple decorative figurines Ramilya Fazleeva creates thematic works dedicated to the continuity of generations, life trials and closeness to nature.
All this time she worked with soft ornamental stones: soapstone, calcite, selenite and others. Knowing well their properties, the master used processing methods that allowed preserving the texture of the material, its color and shape.
In addition to simple decorative figurines Ramilya Fazleeva creates thematic works dedicated to the continuity of generations, life trials and closeness to nature.