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Portrait of V.I. Bibikov

Creation period
Place of сreation
73,5x60,5 cm
oil on canvas
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A portrait of Vasily Bibikov, one of the wealthiest people of Tula Governorate, was painted in 1838 by Vasily Tropinin, a Russian portraitist of the first half of the 19th century. 

Bibikovs are known in Russia. They were active participants of state construction: Voyevodas, district marshals of the nobility, and governors. Vasily Bibikov, depicted by Tropinin, was the Cornet of the Guard in retirement. He was an extremely educated man and collected the rarest library in the ancestral estate of Ekaterininskoye Epifansky Uyezd. This house was often visited by artists, poets, writers — all creative elite of Tula province — and everyone found a cordial and hospitable host. Tropinin also visited Bibikov’s estate many times, where he created his portrait. From there, in 1919, the work entered the museum’s collection.

The portrait’s hero’s delicate features are illuminated by the special inner light and warmth of the soul, which the artist subtly caught. Vasily Bibikov’s look addressed to the audience is thoughtful and a little mocking, with a lively sparkle. Once, Tropinin advised one of his contemporaries: 

Do not miss the fact that the main thing in the portrait is the face, work on the head with all the attention and diligence, and the rest is a secondary matter.

Tropinin painted his hero as being relaxed. The casualty of the portrait gives slightly ruffled hair, an unbuttoned white vest, and a neck scarf. Before us is a type of “housecoat” intimate portrait, extremely fashionable in the first third of the 19th century. Its comfort was called by the artist’s contemporaries ‘life unraveling.’ People appear in comfortable clothing and, accordingly, a relaxed state. In that era, the robe was considered home clothes and a symbol of freedom and free spirit, the antithesis of the ‘sewn gold uniform’.

Vasily Tropinin was an idealist. During his life, the master was even blamed for this, but he used to see the best in people, looking for the possibility of happiness in existing conditions. And he tried to portray his models in joyful moments, and the reproach was answered as follows: ‘Who would be pleased to look at a gloomy face with a frown! ’.
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Portrait of V.I. Bibikov

Creation period
Place of сreation
73,5x60,5 cm
oil on canvas
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Vasily TropininCollection

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Музей В.А. Тропинина
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Музей В.А. Тропинина
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Музей В.А. Тропинина
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Музей В.А. Тропинина
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Музей В.А. Тропинина
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Музей В.А. Тропинина
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Музей В.А. Тропинина
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The National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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