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Early Snow. Byokhovo

Creation period
after 1891
76x135,3 cm
oil on canvas
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Vasily Polenov
Early Snow. Byokhovo
Vasily Polenov created his painting Early Snow. Byokhovo after 1891. The artist saw this view one September day looking out the window of the outbuilding on his Borok estate in Byokhovo village. Snow came unexpectedly early that year – trees still had their multi-coloured foliage, late flowers were still in blossom. In a matter of a few hours the golden, full-colour autumn palette was gripped with cold. Autumn and winter overlapped each other, and the artist managed to capture it. He first made a study that later on was repeated on his canvas.

Vasily Polenov deliberately chose a high angle view: from the window of his outbuilding both the distant panorama of the Oka river and the details of the foreground were seen. He painted in detail the young trees and nearby shrubs giving just a general picture of the stretch that lay farther off: the river was lost in the cold horizon, the forest became indiscernible and turned into an aggregation of colour spots. The painting was so good that Polenov created eight versions repeating it. One version was kept by Polenov’s family, another one went to France in 1955, a third one found its way to the Tretyakov Gallery and the rest of them ended up in private collections and museums across the country.
Version repeating Vasily Polenov’s painting ‘Early Snow’ from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery
A Moscow Courtyard, 1878. Source: wikipedia.org
Polenov gained recognition all over Russia after his painting ‘A Moscow Courtyard’ painted by him in a lane off Arbat Street in 1878. After its success at the 6th Itinerant Exhibition the author rose to fame as a master of intimate landscapes. In contrast to wide panoramic views, artists pictured mostly quiet street corners, discreet paths and cozy groves in such paintings. This genre was not Vasily Polenov’s only vocation – he reached great heights in religious-themed painting as well. To create the series “From the Life of Christ”, he traveled to Palestine, Egypt, Syria and other countries. He wanted the architecture and landscapes in his canvases featuring Bible stories to be true to life. As a result, he created 72 paintings reconstructing Christ’s earthly path.
The next important milestone in Polenov’s life was his moving to Borok Estate on the Oka River. He showed himself as a master of epic landscape there. Early Snow. Byokhovo is representative of that genre. The author conveyed the scope of nature in it, created a generalized image of Russia with its vastness and change of seasons. 

During his life Polenov painted many views of the river and its surrounding areas. In a letter to his friend, artist Konstantin Korovin, he wrote in 1914, “How I wish I could show our Oka to you. After all, it was you and I who discovered its beauty and chose it as a place to live. But for some reason it seemed to you then that through this beauty and harmony a harmonica would slip every now and then. Well, I have lived here for twenty-two years now and I have never heard it, but the beauty and harmony are still the same.”

Christ and the Adulteress, 1888. Source: wikipedia.org
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Early Snow. Byokhovo

Creation period
after 1891
76x135,3 cm
oil on canvas
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