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Portrait of Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich

Creation period
supposedly 1865
Place of сreation
250x159 cm
oil, canvas
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Sergey Zaryanko
Portrait of Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich
Artist Sergey Zaryanko was born in the Mogilev governorate in the family of a serf in 1818. After receiving freedom, the family moved to St. Petersburg.
Zaryanko showed creative abilities since childhood. He took his first lessons from the painter Vasily Avrorin, and after that the master of genre scenes Alexei Venetsianov noticed his gift and helped Zaryanko enter the Academy of Arts in 1834.

Zaryanko is primarily known as a portrait painter. However, he did not turn to portrait painting from the very start. At first, he painted landscapes, perspectives and interiors. In 1838, he received the title of an unclassed artist for ‘View of the Throne Room’ and a number of silver medals for some of his other works.
Zaryanko began painting the portraits of his contemporaries in the late 1840s. Two portraits — depicting General Pyotr Lomnovsky and the opera singer Osip Petrov — brought him fame. The artist exhibited both paintings at the exhibition of the Academy of Arts in 1849.
During his lifetime, Zaryanko painted about a hundred portraits. In his works, the painter paid close attention to the textured properties of materials — velvet, lace, satin, moire, gold embroidery. However, according to the critics, his main talent was his painstaking portrayal of countenance.
The eyes in Zaryanko’s portraits strike with their extraordinary liveliness so much that, looking at them somehow makes you feel awkward, you lower your eyes, unable to endure this steady, calm gaze.
The “Sovremennik” magazine, 1850
At the end of 1865 Zaryanko began creating portraits of the royal family for the Romanov Gallery in the Hermitage. Experts believe that it was at this time that he painted “Portrait of Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich”, which is on display in the museum’s exposition. He portrayed the Tsesarevich in full-length and in a romantic genre — against the background of the Caucasian landscape.

Nicholas Alexandrovich was the eldest son of Emperor Alexander II and grandson of Emperor Nicholas I. He received a comprehensive education, knew several languages, traveled to Russian cities with economic and diplomatic missions. He was preparing to inherit the throne but died at the age of 23 of tuberculous meningitis.

The scarlet Cossack uniform, which Tsesarevich Nicholas wears, the muted background colors and the restrained solemnity of the image allow us to attribute this picture to the genre of ceremonial portrait. Zaryanko used the contrast of light and shadow, which he often resorted to in his paintings — this made the figure of the Tsesarevich look like a relief, and created sculptural volume.
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Portrait of Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich

Creation period
supposedly 1865
Place of сreation
250x159 cm
oil, canvas
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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