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Portrait of Petr Tolstoi

Creation period
Between 1719 and 1727
75x60,8 cm
Oil on canvas
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Unknown author
Portrait of P.P. Tolstoi
This portrait of the nobleman was created by an unknown artist in the first third of the 18th century. In the epoch of Peter I, artists would rarely put their signature on the canvas, and the people painted were also often left nameless. This work was close to that destiny. The fact that the person painted in it was Colonel Petr Tolstoi was discovered by art conservators in the 20th century.
The portrait during restoration.
From 1976 till 1980, the painting was at the Grabar Art Conservation Center. It was restored by Pavel Baranov. The expert removed the numerous layers of laquer and the overpaint - the layers of paint applied by other artists or restorers rather than the author. By that time, only tiny details of the author’s paint layer remained in the metal armor - the cuirass - and the sides of the uniform. They were implanted in the undercoat.
Baranov also restored some damaged fragments of the painting. He discovered the contours of the wig, returned the original look to the moustache, the lips and the chin, and repainted the ornament on the cuirass and the uniform. Pavel Baranov thus succeeded in returning the original look to the painting. As he worked, it was discovered that the person portrayed was Petr Petrovich Tolstoi, a son Petr Alekseyevich Tolstoi, a famous diplomat and an associate to Peter I. When the painting was created, he was probably the colonel of the Nezhinsky Regiment.

After the restoration, this painting became one of the best artifacts of the epoch of Peter I as it reflected the peculiarities of painting in those times. By the 18th century, Russian portraits no longer resembled icons, and artists started to learn to paint from Europeans. Images acquired volume and correct anatomy. Besides, more interest was then paid to an individual, although individuals were yet valued for what they did for the state rather than their inner world.
In this work, the artist strived to depict the individuality of a specific person. He carefully detailed the face instead of conventionally painting some general traits. A direct look, dignified bearing, a shaved chin and a wig after the latest fashion - the painter portrayed an important lord rather than just a man.
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Portrait of Petr Tolstoi

Creation period
Between 1719 and 1727
75x60,8 cm
Oil on canvas
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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