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The Portrait of the artist Minchin

Creation period
80,5x65 cm
80,5×65 cm
oil on canvas
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Robert Falk
The Portrait of the artist Minchin
Robert Falk’s style developed by the end of the 1910s under the influence of late impressionism, primitivism and paintings by Paul Cezanne, leaving aside the cubist experiments of avant-garde artists from the “Jack of Diamonds” group, of which he was a member. 
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Robert Rafailovich Falk (1886–1958). Still life. Oven. 1918. Oil on canvas. Penza Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
Robert Falk loved to paint portraits most of all. He said, “I want to bring the face to the holy face”, sought to achieve generalization and spirituality. He wrote slowly, smearing brushstroke. Thus, the canvas consisted of many thin layers of glaze.
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Robert Rafailovich Falk (1886–1958). Lady in a Hat.1935. Oil on canvas. Penza Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
Robert Falk painted “Portrait of the artist Minchin” in his “Paris period” of creativity. He left for France in 1928 and spent 9 years there.
Abraham Minchin was from Kiev, entered the famous Paris School of Painting and left quite a few works. He lived very poorly and died before he was 35 years old.

Robert Rafailovich recalled, “I spent a week with Minchin. I watched him working. He has every chance to develop into a significant artist. Great temperament, colossal love of art”.

A young man dressed in an elegant coat with an aristocratic hat appeared in front of Falk. 
Abraham Minchin (1898–1931). Pierrot. Late 1920s. Oil on canvas. Collection of Bruno Lorenzelli, Bergamo
The artist paid special attention to the expressive hands of Abraham Minchin, as well as unusually sad eyes. In a letter R.R. Falk wrote to his first wife, R.V. Idelson he tells the story of the portrait; “I wrote a small portrait of Minchin. It seems lucky to me. My painting has entered a favorable phase. Some rhythmic freedom appears; sometimes the texture begins to come to life”. 

In the collection of the Penza Art Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky there are about forty works of Robert Falk, relating to 1910-1950. This allows to widely and variably represent the artist’s path. In 1987, the gallery organized the country’s first exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of R.R. Falk from the collection of the artist’s widow A.V. Shchekin-Krotova, who presented her collection to the museum.
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The Portrait of the artist Minchin

Creation period
80,5x65 cm
80,5×65 cm
oil on canvas
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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