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Mikula Selyaninovich

Creation period
60x96 cm
Canvass, oil
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Viktor Vasnetsov
Mikula Selyaninovich
The painting from the collection of the State Museum of Fine Arts is a sketch by Viktor Vasnetsov to the picture ‘Mikula Selyaninovich’ that he intended to create, but never painted. Mikula Selyaninovich is a character from Russian epics, a plowman-warrior of exceptional strength. According to the legend, even the giant Svyatogor could not lift Mikula Selyaninovich’s bag. Mikula quite often became a character of paintings: the hero could be seen on a mural at the All-Russian Art and Industry Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod in 1886, on a majolica fireplace by Mikhail Vrubel of 1900, on paintings by Vasily Polenov. 
Vasnetsov more than once addressed subjects of the Russian epos. He painted such canvasses as “The Warriors”, “Alyonushka”, “Sirin and Alkonost”, “The Tsarevich Ivan on a Gray Wolf”, and others. The artist decided to paint a picture of Mikula Selyaninovich way back in 1920. Then he created a first sketch: an aquarelle, white pigment and pencil drawing. In the sketch he painted a meeting between the Warrior and another Russian epic hero, Volga Svyatoslavich. Volga was described in the epos as a werewolf who could speak the language of birds and animals.
In December 1920, an acquaintance of the Vasnetsov family, wrote to the artist:
“And what about or little Mikula? Is he going to move over to a large canvass? There will be a high day for all your fans and admirers!”
But the canvass did not appear yet. Vasnetsov developed another sketch, the one that is kept in the Khanty-Mansiysk museum. In the center of the canvass the artist painted the plowman-warrior walking behind a stumpy horse and a plow. Volga Svyatoslavich is depicted as approaching from the right.
Vasnetsov created the sketch in a mixed painting technique, that he had used as early as in 1880, when he painted the Vladimir Cathedral. The method combined the graphic base and picturesque addition in the form of surface brushwork. Symbolic color splashes of the earth and the sky harmonize with fine draftsmanship of the characters and vegetation.
But in 1923 Vasnetsov did not embark on the painting either. In a letter to his son Mikhail Vasnetsov he wrote:
“I would like to start a new painting, but I have no canvass nor good paints. And I have sketches ready, for example, Mikula Selyaninovich and others. But I do not know when I will be able to get around to that.”
The artist had no time to create the painting: he died in 1926. 
The pictorial sketch got to Khanty-Mansiysk in 1996, when it was acquired by the Generations Fund for the collection “Rarities and Art Treasures”. In 2011 the work was handed over to the museum collection. 
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Mikula Selyaninovich

Creation period
60x96 cm
Canvass, oil
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