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Beyond the Volga River

Creation period
132x136 cm
oil, canvas
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Mikhail Nesterov
Beyond the Volga River
Mikhail Nesterov’s painting Beyond the Volga River created in 1905 was part of the cycle that the artist conceived as “a painted novel, a novel in paintings”. Nesterov painted this series under the impression from the works of the writer and publicist Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky In the Woods and In the Mountains that gave a truthful and detailed description of the life of old believers - merchants. 
Nesterov conceived Beyond the Volga River as a philosophic story, a reflection on human life and the place of nature in establishing spiritual world order. The characters embody two love stories that did not become one, two opposing views on changes in the country, on the new world in the new century. 

A young merchant with both feet solidly on the ground and a proudly raised head is looking at the Volga directly and decisively. His image embodies a practical business-like approach to life and the world around him. He resembles Lopakhin from Chekhov’s Cherry Orchard or Kudryash from Thunderstorm by Alexander Ostrovsky. The barge hauling a ship on the river is the merchant’s symbol, the embodiment of progress, the inevitable movement of time.

The woman with her head bent in sadness personifies the world of the past, close to nature, following ancient laws and traditions. Her symbol in the painting is the birch tree – thin, fragile and lonely. 

The river for the merchant is the space for ship navigation, his nature is lands to be developed. For the woman, nature is the soul: the landscape with no bright colors and sunny shades reflects the sadness and torment of the female character.
Journalist and critic Yuri Belyaev wrote:
“Nesterov”s vivid and original story turns the simple folk motif of “how Vanya bade farewell to his sweetheart” into the tragic prophesy of the future. Passive desperation and helpless tears on the one hand, and restless impatient move and rash action on the other — is it not the contradiction of the two trends in the Russian life and its modern drama? ’
Beyond the Volga River occupies a special place in the collection of Astrakhan Art Gallery. It is the centerpiece of the fireplace lounge of the museum housing meet-the-artist events, musical nights and gala occasions.
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Beyond the Volga River

Creation period
132x136 cm
oil, canvas
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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