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1. Install ARTEFACT app for iOS or Android;

2. Find the exhibition «Religious objects»

3. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the exhibit;

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Creation period
Place of сreation
95x75 cm
canvas, oil
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Magomed Dibirov is a contemporary Dagestani artist, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Restoration and Art College. Since childhood, Magomed was fond of drawing and, in his words, “was born with a pencil in his hands.” The works of the People’s Artist of Dagestan are known outside his native republic, they are kept in museums in Makhachkala, Derbent, private collections in Russia and abroad. Magomed Dibirov is an extraordinary artist. His paintings stand out in terms of ideological content, rather than his artistic manner.
I focus on the message. Any artist can draw a beautiful tree, but not everyone can convey an idea. It is a priority for me.
Magomed Dibirov
Magomed Dibirov seeks to capture the present time, he has an active civic position and describes his creative style as “social symbolism”. His work is relevant, as he creates paintings on documentary subjects and portraits of contemporary political figures, heads of cities and states. “You have to either paint everyone or no one, ” says the artist. Some of Dibirov’s works are also devoted to religious themes. The painting “Assault” was created in the year of the establishment of the Museum of the History of World Cultures and Religions in Derbent.
The work has deep philosophical implications and is full of symbols. A spiral of scattered emerald-colored rosary beads is depicted against the blue sky. According to the artist’s idea, it is a metaphor of division in the modern Islamic world. Prayer beads are used when praying in Islam, and are traditionally made of 11, 33 or 99 beads or grains. The 99 beads are the most commonly used, according to the number of names of Allah.
The torn thread of the prayer beads symbolize an assault on the integrity of Islamic culture, an attempt to fragment it through different religious interpretations and translations of the Quran. The single thread of Islam, which stretches back over 1,300 years to Prophet Muhammad, who embraced the commandments of Allah, is severed. The religious community, ummah, is breaking up into small sects and groups of extremist and terrorist nature, but the bright, clear sky brings hope.
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Creation period
Place of сreation
95x75 cm
canvas, oil
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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