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Woman with Child

Creation period
41,5x34 cm
oil, canvas
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Grigory Soroka
Woman with Child
Grigory Vasiliev (Vasiliev is his real surname) was born in 1823 and was a serf of landowner Nikolai Milyukov. He lived in Ostrovki estate and worked as a gardener. As a child, he received a nickname Soroka which later became his surname. Soroka was self-taught but rather talented — his talent was noticed by Milyukov’s neighbor, famous artist Alexey Venetsianov.
Venetsianov made an agreement with the landowner to let the young man to study under him. Many young people finished Venetsianov’s school, which he opened in his estate in Safonkovo. Most of them were serfs, craftsmen and bourgeois.
Venetsianov was Soroka’s mentor for a long time. It is reported that Venetsianov was an activist and tried to free talented students-artists from serfdom. However, despite the painter’s efforts, Soroka remained a serf until the reform of 1861.
On April 1847, Venetsianov was working on a large project — he was supposed to paint 20 icons for an iconostasis of the church in the Tver boarding house for noble youth. Soroka helped him with that. In a letter dated May 5, Venetsianov wrote to Milyukov:
Your Grigory is very active. He painted Christmas (Antonio da Correggio), now he is working on the Annunciation from St. Albans Psalter, then he will paint Assumption of Mary by Murillo. Next, he will go to Torzhok to paint the Resurrection and Intercession from Borovikovsky’s originals and then bring them to me.
Having heavily got over his teacher’s death in the same year, Soroka came back to his native village and took up portrait and icon painting.

‘Woman with Child’ from museum funds belongs to this period. Despite the small size of the painting, all the details were made thoroughly and with great attention. At the same time, its realism goes with the features of naive art: details are traced on all plans, including the background where clarity should be reduced as well as sharp borders of objects.

Soroka’s creativity was characterized by contemplation, clarity and regularity of the composition and allegoric details. For example, a child is holding an apple in his hands, which is considered the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge and a symbol of the Fall.

There are only few Soroka’s works known to art critics. He used to paint portraits and interiors but he was extremely good at nature painting. His life ended tragically: he committed suicide after being sentenced to corporal punishment due to a lawsuit with his former owner Milyukov.
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Woman with Child

Creation period
41,5x34 cm
oil, canvas
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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