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Flowered Trees

Creation period
early 20th century
46,2x71,1 cm
cardboard, oil painting
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Manuil Aladjalov
Flowered Trees
Manuil Aladjalov is a Russian and Soviet landscape painter. He received primary education in the school of Art in Rostov-on-Don, and later he moved to Moscow. Famous Russian artists were among his mentors: Isaac Levitan, Alexei Savrasov, Konstantin Makovsky and Illarion Pryanishnikov. Not least because of them, landscape was no longer considered a peripheral genre in Russian painting. Landscape painters acquired their apprentices who continued working in this genre. Manuil Aladjalov was one of them.
In the early 20th century, Aladjalov was teaching in Stroganov School of Arts and Crafts. In the same time, together with other painters he founded the Union of Russian Artists. Just like his colleagues, Aladjalov drew inspiration and new topics for his work from his trips to Russian provinces. Russian midland and the Volga River were his favorite destinations.

During one of those trips, Aladjalov painted the Flowered Trees. The artist conventionally divided the painting into two parts. On the left, he painted a lot of open space filled with green plants, blue skies and white clouds. The right side comprised the majority of items: the tree, the old house and the girl’s figure on the steps. He composed the painting in such a way, that the foreground became a special reference point. From it, the glance of the spectator travels to the house, then to the tree, and then to the huts in the background and to the vast fields.

The artist used the impasto technique in this painting: he covered the cardboard with undiluted paint by thick prominent brushwork. This method allowed for making the composition dynamic. Depending on the manner of moving the brush, the paint covered the cardboard differently and directly conveyed the artist’s impressions (though Aladjalov belonged to realistic school). In this work, the artist combined realism and impressionism. Overall, this strive for a renewed artistic language was characteristic of Russian painting in the turn of the 20th century.
Aladjalov depicted nature in different seasons. He could paint the same landscape several times. In her book, The Wednesdays of Moscow Artists the researcher Ekaterina Kiselyova emphasized:
‘Aladjalov admired the landscapes of Russian midland and found a lot of diversity in it. He was ready to repeat the same motif several times, and he did that trying to capture a new sound, new state. Having found that, he brought into his paintings the light melancholy of Russian villages, the serenity and quietness of Russian evenings, softness and warmth of Russian lifestyle’.
All this is true about Spring in the Country, Winter in the Country, Summer in the Country, Moonlit Night, Summer Evening and numerous other paintings of the artist.
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Flowered Trees

Creation period
early 20th century
46,2x71,1 cm
cardboard, oil painting
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  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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