Alexander Ivanovich Vakhrameev is Russian painter and graphic artist of the first quarter of the 20th century, teacher and professor at the Academy of Arts. He lived and worked in Penza from 1906 to 1909, taught at a drawing school where he met his future muse - Tatiana Alexandrovna Trofimova, ‘Tata’, who became the character of many of his portraits.
The Portrait of Tatiana Alexandrovna Trofimova
Creation period
57,2x52 cm
57,2×52 cm
57,2×52 cm
canvas on plywood, oil
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Alexander Vakhrameyev
The Portrait of Tatiana Alexandrovna Trofimova
Alexander Ivanovich Vakhrameyev (1874–1926). Self-portrait. Undated. Alexander Ivanovich Vakhrameyev (1874–1926). Self-portrait. Undated.
In 1906, when the artist only arrived in Penza, he settled in the house of engineer Alexander Trofimov and met his daughter Tatiana. The beauty and femininity of a young woman inspired the artist to a series of portraits. Even after leaving the city three years later, Alexander Vakhrameev continued to depict Tata in his paintings and drawings.
In ‘Portrait of Tata’, written in 1911-1912, Tatiana is very thoughtful and gentle. The face is painted accurately and expressively, with emphasis on large eyes and dark hair, her look is penetrating and lively, and the dark reddish background is muffled, as in the paintings of old masters.
Alexander Ivanovich Vakhrameyev (1874–1926). Portrait of Tata. 1911–1912. Canvas on plywood, oil. Penza Regional Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
Alexander Ivanovich Vakhrameyev (1874–1926). Girlfriends. 1915. Cardboard, pastel, gouache, sauce. Penza Regional Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
The image of Tata Trofimova also reveals in one of the girls in the pair portrait ‘Girlfriends’ of 1912, executed in pastel. Work in this technique allowed the artist to create portraits in one or two sessions, and the rough texture of the pastel gave an additional volume to the image, making it more vibrant and dynamic.
In the ‘Portrait of Tatiana Alexandrovna Trofimova’, created in 1915, the artist observes contemporary to him characteristic features of a woman of the beginning of the 20th century. Independence and confidence are guessed in her posture, her gaze is directed forward, and strength of character is manifested in him.
At the same time, the artist emphasizes the femininity and beauty of the model. A red blouse reveals thin shoulders, black velvet adorns the neck, and curly hair is laid in a modest bun.
The painting is characterized by liveliness, sincerity and interest of the artist in the inner world of his model, the charm of a young girl is conveyed subtly and poetically.
The paintings and drawings depicting Tatiana can be compared with one of her remained photographs.
There are are about forty paintings and graphic Vakhrameev’s works in the Penza Picture Gallery in total. His son donated almost all of them, and female portraits are especially remarkable in this collection.
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Alexander Ivanovich Vakhrameyev (1874–1926). Portrait of a woman. 1910. Paper, pastel. Penza Regional Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
Penza Regional Picture Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky
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The Portrait of Tatiana Alexandrovna Trofimova
Creation period
57,2x52 cm
57,2×52 cm
57,2×52 cm
canvas on plywood, oil

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