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Mother and Daughter

Creation period
137x98 cm
canvas, oil
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Alexey Kharlamov
Mother and Daughter
Alexey Kharlamov was born in a large family of a bonded peasant. When he turned 10 years old his family was released from the bond and moved to Saint-Petersburg, where Kharlamov started to take painting classes and in 1854 he was admitted into the Emperor’s Academy of Art.

In the 1870s Kharlamov travelled extensively throughout Europe visiting major art galleries and museums. At the request of the Museum of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, he created a copy of Rembrandt’s Lesson of Anatomy by Dr. Tulpa. At the same time, Kharlamov joined the Association of Itinerants and began, on a regular basis, sending his works to the itinerants’ expositions in Saint-Petersburg.

Kharlamov soon settled in Paris and became a pupil of the infamous French portrait painter Leon Bonnat, who had greatly influenced the Kharlamov’s own style: Kharlamov deliberately make his works bear resemblance to the 17th-18th centuries Neo-Classic paintings.

Kharlamov painted the companion portrait Mother and Daughter in keeping with the spirit of sentimental stories of the 19th century European literature. The very appearances of the heroines: their subtle features, big expressive eyes, pale, almost translucent skin and spectacularly unruly thick hair stand in striking contrast with the extreme poverty of the surroundings: scarred gray walls, shabby tablecloth, almost empty table. Both mother and daughter look young and touching, and therefore especially vulnerable considering the tough life they are living.
Kharlamov depicted his heroines in the poses typical of the iconographic tradition: the mother holds her daughter in her arms, pressing her to the chest; the girl hugs her by the neck with one hand while clutching a doll in another. The artist wanted his audience to make a link to the Virgin Mary, the martyress. Another hint in that direction is a barely recognizable icon, which Kharlamov placed behind the backs of the heroines.
As much attention as Kharlamov paid to the portrayed persons he was very meticulous about depicting the backdrop details. He did a painstaking job of depicting of a pattern of the tablecloth and ornaments on a majolica water jug, hair-thin laces of a shawl wrapped around the mother’s shoulders and even the face of the doll in the girl’s hand. Exquisite color palette and precise brushwork is reminiscent of still-life paintings by the Dutch artists.

Therefore, in his Mother and Daughter Alexey Kharlamov was able to merge the traditions of the classic European portrait and the ancient canons of the Russian icon painting.
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Mother and Daughter

Creation period
137x98 cm
canvas, oil
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  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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