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Winter scenery

Creation period
1881 year
113x196 cm
oil on canvas
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Klever Yu.Yu. 
Winter scenery
Julius Klever is a Russian artist with German origins. He was born in the city of Dorpat (today’s Tartu, Estonia) He started studying at the architectural department of the Academy of Arts, but then made his transfer to the landscape painting class.

The artist built a tremendous career. At the age of 24, he organized his first solo exhibition, which was presented at the stands of the Society for the encouragement of artists. Four years later, he was awarded the title of academician in painting for his canvas “The view of the abandoned park in Marienburg” (“The Old Park”). But the peak of the artist’s career was in 1880, when he painted the picture ‘Wild Forest’. At the age of 31, for this picture Julius Klever was awarded the title of professor of landscape painting and a chair at the Imperial Academy of Arts. He demonstrated pace and productivity when working. 

Thousands of reproductions of his numerous artworks were distributed throughout the country.

Most of the Klever’s paintings show romantic and harsh nature of the North. The artist often painted cloudy and rainy autumn, as well as winter. The major motives for his landscapes he took from the nature of his homeland, the Baltic region. The Klever’s artworks are characterized by certain theatricality, dramatization of space, he often used the technique of evening and night lighting. On the painting ‘Winter scenery’, the artist masterfully depicted loose snow and sunset reflections on the evening sky and on the cold water.

Paintings by Julius Klever were very popular in the late 19th — early 20th century. The Tzar’s family members and collectors used to buy his artworks. The landscape painting “Forest in the Nargen island” (“Virgin Forest”) was purchased by Pavel Tretyakov for his collection, the artwork “Abandoned cemetery in winter” was purchased by count Pyotr Stroganov, and the painting “Birch forest” was purchased by Emperor Alexander II. Grand Duke Alexey Alexandrovich and Emperor Alexander III added his works “Nargen Island” and “Winter Forest” to their collections. Julius Klever made several paintings for the palace which was built in Foros by merchant Alexander Grigoriev.

The paintings by Julius Klever are exhibited at the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum and other famous Russian collections.
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Winter scenery

Creation period
1881 year
113x196 cm
oil on canvas
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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