The exhibition of the Vladimir Arseniev Museum of Far East History displays a signboard, which was apparently located on the door of the surgery of Dr. Konosevich. The signboard was included in the museum’s collection in 1956 as part of a set of memorial items that belonged to Marcelliy Konosevich.
The city chronicles of the early 20th century list Marcelliy Konosevich as a doctor and an employee of the Vladivostok customs office. This fact suggests that the doctor was engaged in private practice and had his own surgery. Konosevich was born in 1872. He was known to be a brilliantly educated man. He had two degrees. In 1893, Konosevich graduated from St. Petersburg University with a gold medal and received a first degree diploma in the Faculty of Oriental Languages. After that, being in the service of the Ministry of Finance, he participated in the work of the commission to prepare the opening of the Russian-Asian Bank in Beijing. Six years after graduating from the university, Marcelliy completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy with a gold medal.
From 1906, Marcelliy Konosevich was in the service of the customs department, listed in the Zaamursky Separate Corps of Border Guards as a military doctor. And in 1907, he was appointed assistant to the warehouse supervisor of Vladivostok customs as an expert chemist. Before the revolution he had published scientific works on medicine, oriental studies and customs affairs. During the First World War, he was forced to interrupt his service in the customs. Konosevich was drafted from the militia and assigned to the military hospital on Russky Island, later to the Vladivostok military infirmary. He was able to return to the customs office after demobilization, in the summer of 1918. Konosevich was a candidate deputy for the city Duma, elected on December 29, 1918. However, later he was again called to serve, but this time already in Kolchak’s army, where Marcelliy Konosevich performed the duties of a military doctor.
In 1920, Konosevich became an
auditor and senior customs controller. In 1923, he was sent to Tokyo at the
disposal of Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Representative A. L. Ioffe, after
which he returned to Vladivostok, where he continued his customs service.