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Creation period
80-90s of the 19th century
36x69 cm
36x69,5 cm
canvas, oil
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Sergey Vasilkovsky
Sergey Vasilkovsky is a Ukrainian landscape painter whose paintings became known in the late 19th century. Contemporaries noted an unusual charm of his paintings, and called him ‘the solar artist’ for his skillful work with light.

Sergey Ivanovich’s early years passed in Kharkov. The artist’s childhood impressions of the colorful landscapes of Malorossiya were later reflected in his work. The boy’s gift was noticed by the drawing teacher in gymnasium, when Vasilkovsky was only seven years of age. After graduating from the school Sergey tried to get the specialty of veterinary physician, but soon he realized that it was not his true calling.

In 1876 Vasilkovsky came to St. Petersburg with a keen desire to enter the Imperial Academy of Arts. At the first attempt the idea did not work out, and for some time the young man had to visit the institution as an unenrolled student. But the teachers soon noticed the undoubted talent of the student, and Vasilkovsky was enrolled as a regular student.
After graduating from the Academy with several medals, which he had been awarded for his works Spring, Dawn, Steppe in spring in Malorossiya, the artist was granted funds for a trip abroad to improve his skills. In Paris he met N.S. Samokish, with whom he continued his studies with the best masters of Europe.

Over four years of continuous travel the artist had visited not only Germany, France and England, but also South Africa. Vasilkovsky’s works were recognized at the exhibition at the Paris Salon. After returning to homeland in 1888, the painter settled in his native Kharkov, where he set up a workshop.

During that period he worked a lot on landscapes, the favorite theme of the master’s works was the Malorossiyan steppe. He traveled extensively across Ukraine, went to Crimea and the Caucasus. Vasilkovsky’s paintings were not distinguished by intricate plots - in his paintings one can see Ukrainian forests and meadows, village landscapes with rural huts and streets, folk festivities and holidays.

Nevertheless, his paintings were a success among contemporaries. The artist’s works were consistently highly praised by critics, and about 120 paintings of the master were presented at one of his solo exhibitions.
S.I. Vasilkovsky Morning from the collection of the Simferopol Museum of Fine Arts. Diptych paintings Evening and Morning.
The landscape Evening makes a diptych with the picture Morning. The paintings depict southern nature at different times of the day. The artist sought to convey to the viewer the beauty of the evening landscape, illuminated by the gleams of the sun hiding behind the horizon. The painting is imbued with poetics and lyricism characteristic of the master.

The artist lived a long artistic life and received recognition of his contemporaries, but he passed away early enough - at the age of 62. He died in 1917, just a few days before his next birthday.
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Creation period
80-90s of the 19th century
36x69 cm
36x69,5 cm
canvas, oil
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  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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