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Shamail “Miraj”

Creation period
Place of сreation
51x41 cm
glass painting, colored foil
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Shamail is a phenomenon of Muslim culture, part of the religious and aesthetic identity. It is a form of fine arts, a pictorial utterance, which can be executed in ink or printed, in oil paints on glass or canvas, or embroidered on canvas. Different techniques and subjects are united in one composition: a painted image, sacral ornamentation and calligraphic inscriptions from the Muslim holy scripture, religious philosophical texts, poetry, and names of Islamic righteous people. Shamails are placed in homes above doorways or in mosques as a reminder of Allah’s presence and to protect the faithful from misfortune.
The shamail “Miraj” was made in Iran and depicts the events of the Night of Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj, which means “Ascension” in Arabic. This night in Islam is considered one of the many signs of Allah the Almighty and the miracles of His Messenger Muhammad. Muslims believe that the two miracles happened to the Prophet on the night of the Miraj, which is why the holiday has two names. The first was related to the Prophet’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem. According to the legend, in the evening after prayers he was resting near the northern wall of the Kaaba, the forbidden mosque in Mecca, and the Angel Jibril appeared to him. He cut open Muhammad’s chest without causing him any pain, took out his heart, filled it with the good light of faith, and returned it to its place.
Following the angel, Burak, an unearthly beast whose name translates as “shining” and “lightning-like”, appeared in the mosque. It could rush across the earth at a speed a hundred times faster than that of the fastest horse. Muhammad got on Burak and set off on his evening journey to another Muslim holy place, the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. There he performed his namaz prayer with the other prophets who lived before him. In Jerusalem, the second miracle happened to Muhammad during the night: immediately after the prayers, the Angel Jibril appeared to him again and offered him the choice of drinking milk or wine. Muhammad chose milk, and for that the angel took him to heaven, where he was honored with a conversation with the Almighty.
The shamail “Miraj” depicts the Prophet ascending to heaven on a winged horse, surrounded by angels. Muslims try to spend the holy night in prayer, and this shamail helps to create the right atmosphere.
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Shamail “Miraj”

Creation period
Place of сreation
51x41 cm
glass painting, colored foil
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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