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Creation period
Place of сreation
the Republic of Dagestan
130x130 cm
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The painting “Labyrinth” is created by Adil Astemirov, an abstractionist artist, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, Honored Artist of Dagestan. His works can be found in galleries and private collections in Dagestan, Georgia, Syria, USA, France, Switzerland and Sweden. Adil Astemirov is a key figure of modern Dagestani art, and a participant in regional, national and world exhibitions. Astemirov was one of the first artists in Russia to organize not just a thematic exhibition, but a conceptual art project.
The philosophical meaning of Astemirov’s works is a subject of study for art historians. His work cannot be deciphered following the principles of contemporary psychoanalytical art criticism through personality, character, life and everyday routine. Astemirov repeatedly emphasized in his texts and interviews that he removes the personal and emotional factor from his work. His paintings are a reflection of his professional self, the creator and the artist.
Adil Astemirov prefers large format canvases for immersion in the symbolism of the picture. The atmosphere of his works is brought about by ancient archetypes and the impasto technique of painting — dense strokes that create a multi-layered relief. The labyrinth is a symbol of the universal obstacle, the search for a way out and oneself. It tests people’s perseverance and patience, tests their will. Each person has to make a choice — to go further at random or to give up. Wandering in a labyrinth is a metaphor for the choice of life’s path and the need to constantly make decisions in order to move forward. The labyrinth is a symbol of “God’s inscrutable ways”.
Going through the labyrinth is a mystical path toward the outcome, the center. It is guarded by a mythical monster, which embodies man’s vices and weaknesses. The painting “Labyrinth” is done in dark brown colors, which may symbolize the ground beneath the feet of the walker. According to the artist, the harmonized color scheme, subtle color combinations and geometric shapes are meant to inspire “communication with the space, which is higher than man, which opens to us its abyss, its cosmos” and “man’s conversation with himself”.
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Creation period
Place of сreation
the Republic of Dagestan
130x130 cm
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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