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Bills of the Ioanno-Vvedensky Convent

Creation period
22х18 cm
paper, ink
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Bills of the Ioanno-Vvedensky Convent
In the collection of Museum of the Family of Romanov, the bills for products from the Ioanno-Vvedensky Convent are kept. These documents refer to the period from August 12, 1917 to May 19, 1918. When Tsar’s family members were in exile in Tobolsk, nuns of cloister provided them with products: eggs, bread, butter, milk and fresh cream for seriously ill Tsarevich Alexei. Documents were signed by Mother Superior of convent. She indicated in them names and number of products, the price of each one and the sum total, which should be paid. 

Initially, the case in point was that Provisional Government would grant an allowance for maintenance of royal family. However, head of the Romanovs security, Yevgeny Kobylinsky, reminisced: ‘Provisional Government seem to forget about family and was not sending replenishment… neither for maintenance of family, nor for maintenance of detachment’. In order to get money if only for basic needs, Kobylinsky had to turn to Tobolsk merchants for help more than once.

‘I had to turn to merchant Yanushkevich, a monarchist who had spare cash. Under the bill of exchange for my, Tatishchev and Dolgorukov signatures, Yanushkevich gave me 20 000 roubles’.
From interrogation report of Yevgeny Kobylinsky
After Bolshevik coup, the telegram came from Petrograd: ‘…people do not have the resources to support Tsar’s family. Let they be kept at their own resources. The Soviet government lends them a soldier’s ration, flat, heating and lighting… the family cannot spend more than 600 rubles a month per person’. Cream, butter, coffee, sweets disappeared from the Romanovs’ table. 

In this situation, nuns of the Ioanno-Vvedensky Convent were trying to help Tsar’s family. Except for products that were paid in the bills, they sent to the Romanovs milk, rolls, warm clothes in secret from guard. In order to support the exiled Romanovs family, nuns were singing during divine service. Now an icon is kept in the Tobolsk temple of Ioann the Forerunner, on which the members of the Tsar’s family are depicted. In 2000, they were nominated to sainthood. An unquenchable lamp always burns in front of sacred image. 
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Bills of the Ioanno-Vvedensky Convent

Creation period
22х18 cm
paper, ink
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  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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