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Portrait of a Dominican Monk

Creation period
the 16th century
Place of сreation
72x57 cm
wood, oil
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Spanish art is represented by just one work in the collection of the Primorye State Art Gallery. However, such an exhibit is a rarity for Russian museums; the work dates back to the 16th century — at that time, Spanish art had not yet entered the period of its elevation. The heyday of Spanish painting came in the 17th century — it was a truly golden age, and before that the art of Spanish painters had been very archaic.

Spain was the first feudal country in Europe where the system of absolute monarchy was developed to the fullest. The Roman Catholic Church, which enjoyed great power and controlled all areas of spiritual activity, exerted a great influence on the development of art, which predetermined many of its features and peculiarities. As a result, it was not until much later that humanistic ideas found their way into Spanish art.

From the book “Universal History of Art”:
The Catholic Church played an exceptional reactionary role in the historical fate of Spain. Its authority was unparalleled in Europe of the time… Throughout the Middle Ages, the church continuously enriched and strengthened its power. As early as at the outset of Spanish absolutism, it became its loyal ally. The Church… stifled every free expression of thought… All those circumstances made the evolution of the Spanish Renaissance art more complicated and controversial.
In the 16th century, Spain waged numerous wars of conquest, the country was weakened, and the art of the time was in decline.

The unknown artist of the “Portrait of a Dominican Monk” seems to contrast the figure of Christ, who is depicted as “small and insignificant”, with the figure of the monk — fanatical, hanging over like a rock. The Catholic monastic Order of the Dominicans (also known as the Order of Preachers) was founded in the 13th century by the Spanish monk Dominic de Guzman Garces, who a few years after his death was canonized by Pope Gregory IX. The motto of the Order:
To praise, to bless, to preach.
Fighting against heresy and preaching of the Gospel are among the key objectives of the Dominicans.
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Portrait of a Dominican Monk

Creation period
the 16th century
Place of сreation
72x57 cm
wood, oil
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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