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Portrait of Metropolitan M. Desnitsky

Creation period
not earlier than 1818
44,5x33,5 cm
cardboard, oil
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Vladimir Borovikovsky was born in Myrhorod in 1757. He received his initial artistic education from his father, icon painter Luka Borovikovsky, and later he honed his skills under the guidance of Austrian artist Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder in St. Petersburg. In 1795 Borovikovsky was awarded the title of the Academician of Painting of the Imperial Academy of Arts. 

In St. Petersburg Borovikovsky developed a friendly relationship with members of the artistic salon of Nikolai Lvov, who was an artistic luminary of the Russian Enlightenment, an architect, a graphic artist and a poet. The salon brought together prominent architects, musicians and writers, and it had as its patron Alexander Bezborodko, the president of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. Through his association with the salon, Borovikovsky often got commissions for portraits from members of famed families: the Lopukhins, Tolstoys, Gagarins. 

Borovikovsky painted the portrait of Metropolitan Mikhail (his secular name was Matvey Desnitsky) around 1818. At that time Mikhail became the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and the Archimandrite of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. The Metropolitan’s writings, numerous talks, letters and treatises on religious issues were published in ten volumes during his lifetime. 
Metropolitan Mikhail was awarded the Order of Saint Anna of the 1st class for his activities accompanied by the following Imperial Rescript:
‘Your faithful service, of which I have been informed, and the resumed work with regard to pastoral teaching of the people, through words and your own living, to unrelenting edification of ecclesiastic boards and clergymen and to unfaltering discharge of all your obligations arising out of your rank merit fair requital and my appreciation.’
Vladimir Borovikovsky himself had a great liking for Desnitsky and respected him for his strong and well-educated mind and religious tolerance.

The portrait shows Metropolitan Mikhail in a deeply pensive mood, concentrated on his thoughts. Borovikovsky grasped the emotional state of the portrayed person and conveyed it through the Metropolitan’s meaningful look. Such a psychological approach to painting a portrait and artists’ attempts to gain an insight into the inner world of the model were a characteristic manifestation of sentimentalism in painting. 

An essential element of the exhibited work is the park used by Borovikovsky as the background against which the Metropolitan was painted. This image was one of the favourite motifs of sentimentalist painters, which symbolised the expression of feelings and unity with nature. In view of this, the portrait depicts Metropolitan Mikhail as an ‘authentic person’ in the ‘natural environment’.

Yet the painting has also some features typical of classicism. One of them is the popular motif of serving your homeland, which Borovikovsky incorporated into the portrait by painting the decorations worn by Metropolitan Mikhail thoroughly and in great detail.

The exhibited portrait thus reflects both the high status and sincere warm-heartedness of Metropolitan Mikhail. Such a compromise is typical of many artworks of Vladimir Borovikovsky.
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Portrait of Metropolitan M. Desnitsky

Creation period
not earlier than 1818
44,5x33,5 cm
cardboard, oil
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  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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