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Portrait of Catherine II

Creation period
79,5x65 cm
79,5x65 cm
Canvas, Oils
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Unknown Artist
Portrait of Catherine II 
Alexander Roslin, Portrait of Catherine II 1776 – 1777. Hermitage, img via: wikipedia.org
The unknown artist painted Empress Catherine II using two of her gala portraits by other authors. The first of them was painted by a Swedish master Alexander Roslin. And the second one was created by a Russian painter Feodor Rokotov.
The Empress did not like Roslin’s work outright. Catherine herself spoke of the painting like this: “He depicted me like a Swedish cook and made me 20 years older.” The Swede’s works had always been notable for their literalism, he painted models without flattery and embellishments.
F.S. Rokotov. Portrait of Catherine II, 1770-ths, img via: wikipedia.org
As to Rokotov, he in a measure reproduced what Roslin had done before him, but deliberately idealized Catherine, rendered her more grandeur and at the same time mitigated her features. The empress on his canvas looked younger and nicer compared to the painting of his Swedish colleague.
Catherine II liked Rokotov’s work so much that she ordered to make all her images from that work. This way appeared the type of semi-gala portrait of Catherine II, which was copied by other artists.

The unknown master painted the head of the empress from Rokotov’s picture, and the elements of clothes, decorations, orders and other attributes of power – from Roslin’s canvas. The master painted the sleeves of empress’s dress in such a manner that they reminded metallic armour. On her bosom he painted the star of St. Vladimir order, which she instituted in 1782. The environment, posture, clothes, adornments – everything was meant to emphasize the high status of the person depicted on the gala portrait. And yet the author slightly shifted the accent from the grandeur of Catherine II to her humaneness. He darkened the background behind the empress, painted the elements of clothes in cold muted tones. The master paid a special attention to the details of her face: he depicted the empress advancing in age, but at the same time he mitigated some features and made them more attractive than on Roslin’s canvas. He accentuated her everlasting beauty by a natural high colour. It is just the appearance of the tsarina that attracted attention and became the centre of the painting.
When the artist created the work, portrait was the most popular genre of painting. There were a few kinds of portrait: gala, chamber, self-portrait, depiction of several persons. XVIII century is even called sometimes “portrait century”. To portray oneself on the canvas was affordable only for people of the highest strata of the society, so expensive it was.

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Portrait of Catherine II

Creation period
79,5x65 cm
79,5x65 cm
Canvas, Oils
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  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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