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An ornamented jug

Creation period
Place of сreation
Imperial Glass Factory
25x19,5 cm
Dark green glass, polychrome opaque enamel, blowing, enamel painting, gold painting
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Hartmann V.A. (author of the design)?
An ornamented jug
A jug of dark green glass with a geometric ‘folk’ ornament in the pseudo-Russian style, painted with multi-colored enamels and gold, was made in 1870 at the Imperial Glass Factory in St. Petersburg, as evidenced by the stamp on its base. The glass jug is decorated with rich ornaments that cover its entire surface. Colored enamel is combined with gold, in the ornament are figures in the form of ‘towns’, ‘curls’, ‘belts’, ‘rosettes’, ‘turrets’. 

Presumably, the jug was made according to the sketches of the famous Russian architect, artist and ornamentalist Viktor Hartmann (1834-1873), one of the founders of the pseudo-Russian style in architecture. He carried out many architectural projects, but to this day, only Mamontov’s printing house in Moscow has survived from his oeuvre. Hartmann was known to his contemporaries as the author of the design project for the All-Russian Manufacturing Exhibition of 1870 and the Military Department at the Polytechnic Exhibition of 1872. Viktor Hartmann also became one of the authors of the project of the monument to the 1000th Anniversary of Russia in Veliky Novgorod, dedicated to the millennium anniversary of the vocation of the Varangians to Russia. 

Victor Hartmann showed himself in different areas — from architecture to decorative and applied arts, he worked for the theater, was a talented draftsman, illustrated books. He developed samples of furniture and other items of decorative and applied art in the “Russian style”. The critic Vladimir Stasov, who highly appreciated Hartmann’s talent, considered him, among other things, an excellent watercolorist. In 1872 he published the album ‘Motives of Russian Ornament’ with Hartmann’s drawings. 

The origin of the folklore version of the Russian style in the architecture of the third quarter of the 19th century is associated with Hartmann. He designed several theatrical performances, one of which — “Ruslan and Lyudmila” — made a great impression on Ilya Repin and inspired him to create the picture “Sadko”. The traditions of painting that Hartmann has set were continued by Viktor Vasnetsov in the decorations created for the Savva Mamontov’s Private Opera. His activities largely anticipated the works Abramtsevo Club members in the field of architecture and arts and crafts.
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An ornamented jug

Creation period
Place of сreation
Imperial Glass Factory
25x19,5 cm
Dark green glass, polychrome opaque enamel, blowing, enamel painting, gold painting
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
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  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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