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Tambov municipal coat of arms

Creation period
50x40 cm
cloth printing
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Unknown author
Tambov municipal coat of arms
They started making and registering coats of arms in the cities of the Russian Empire in the XVIII century. Above all else, it was necessary for the battle flags of the regiments that were distributed throughout the country and received local names. Since Tambov did not have its own emblem, in 1729 the Military Collegium, the supreme body of military administration established by Peter the Great, took up the task of making a coat of arms for Tambov. One year later, Empress Anna Ioannovna officially approved the coat of arms of Tambov. 
The authors of the coat of arms took its main elements from the first edition of Symbola et Emblemata printed in Amsterdam in 1705 at the behest of Peter the Great. The book contained 840 emblems with short bearings in eight languages: Russian, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English and German. The Tambov coat-of-arms authors chose bees over a hive. Symbola et Emblemata contained two such drawings, the first one was accompanied by the bearing ‘They do but work at the same’, the second — ‘No body sees wat is in it’.
The bearing on emblem No.308 runs as follows ‘They do but work at the same’. Broadside of Symbola et Emblemata, 1705, Amsterdam
The first drawing and bearing referred to the local industry — beekeeping, which developed in these lands back in the pre-Mongolian period. Before the Russian colonization, the indigenous inhabitants of the Tsna basin, called the Mordva-Moksha, paid tribute to the Kievan princes with honey and beeswax. Over time, Mordovian winter camps became commercialized, and beekeeping — the extraction of honey from wild bees — was separated into a separate economy. By the XVIII century Tambov region became a Russian province with developed agriculture and organized beekeeping, over time wild forest bees were replaced by apiaries with hives. The second drawing and bearing reminded of Tambov’s border position and that it was built as an unassailable fortress to defend from the Crimean Tatar raids. 
In 1730, after the supreme approbation of the coat of arms, regimental banners and official seals were made for the Tambov Dragoon Regiment. The description of the coat of arms of the time ran as follows: “There is a beehive in the azure field. There are three golden bees above it, the ground is green.”. In 1781, Empress Catherine II reapproved the sign and it officially became the coat of arms of the city of Tambov. 
Since Tambov was the central city of Tambov Region, its coat of arms could be used as the vicegerent coat of arms. In 1878, the Senate approved the sign with some changes to it. The golden hive and the bees became silver. The president of the Heraldic Office Volkov redrew the oval coat of arms French-style — a rectangle with rounded lower edges and a slight point thinning at the bottom. He framed the coat of arms with a wreath of oak leaves and crowned it with a large imperial crown. In 1796, the viceroyalty officially became a province — with the preservation of the provincial coat of arms with a hive and bees.
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Tambov municipal coat of arms

Creation period
50x40 cm
cloth printing
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