This photo was taken by the ethnographer Makar Yevseviev in the Mokshan village of Kardafley, Gorodischensky district, Penza Province in 1931. The photo shows a group of men in peasant clothing standing in front of ritual food and utensils spread on the ground.
Pre-Christian Mordovian public prayers -ozks-molyany (from the word “oznoms”, which means “to pray”) appeared in the times of the primitive tribal system, but the development of agriculture led to the formation of their main complex. The molyany rites were performed, for example, before the first grazing on the meadow, before plowing, sowing, and harvesting.
The ethnographer Makar Yevseviev wrote:
Pre-Christian Mordovian public prayers -ozks-molyany (from the word “oznoms”, which means “to pray”) appeared in the times of the primitive tribal system, but the development of agriculture led to the formation of their main complex. The molyany rites were performed, for example, before the first grazing on the meadow, before plowing, sowing, and harvesting.
The ethnographer Makar Yevseviev wrote: