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Girl with braided hair

Creation period
1910 year
70x49 cm
canvas, oil
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Surikov V.I.
Girl with braided hair
During his lifetime Vasily Surikov already became a famous painter of the historical genre: he created large-scale artworks dedicated to some events of Russian history. However, the artist also created artworks of other genres — for example, landscape paintings and portraits.

The portrait from our museum collection shows Anastasia Dobrinskaya. The artist met the Dobrinsky family in 1910. The father of the family, Anatoly Dobrinsky, was engaged in the construction of the Siberian railway, so the whole family lived in Siberia for a long time, then moved to Moscow. Surikov often visited them, and their warm friendship continued during the last five years of the artist’s life.
Near the hotel there was a small garden and my mother sent Arseny there for a walk. Soon my brother began to disappear somewhere from the garden. When Mother asked him where he had been, he would answer that he had gone to see some person who told him very interesting stories and drew horses for him.
Mother said that she did not like my brother’s ‘visits’ to some unknown person.
Soon my brother went for a walk again and quickly returned accompanied by an embarrassed, smiling man.
- Look, Mom, you wanted to see whom I was visiting. Here is this person!
After a minute of awkward silence, everyone laughed merrily, and the stranger said:
- I am Surikov. Vasily Ivanovich Surikov. I’m a painter.
This was how Vasily Ivanovich entered our life.
Galina Chentsova (nee Dobrinskaya)
In summer 1910 the Dobrinsky family rented a country house in Stavropol Samarsky on the Volga river, in a beautiful pine forest. At that period of time Vasily Surikov painted a portrait of Anastasia Dobrinskaya. She was an unsociable, introverted, very shy girl, she had no friends, and wanted to retire to a monastery after graduating from the gymnasium. However, it was her who Surikov paid the most attention to. Dobrinskaya also liked to communicate with the artist: she told him her little secrets, trusted her innermost thoughts.
Vasily Ivanovich was good at listening and liked listening to her. Moreover, he willingly listened to all my and my sister’s stories about gymnasium life. Asya was two years younger than me, and in 1911, when I became a student of the Higher women’s courses, she was still studying at the gymnasium. Surikov listened to me telling about my professors, he read and criticized my essays. In the evenings, we all gathered at the tea table, where we shared our impressions of the day or read aloud.
Galina Chentsova (nee Dobrinskaya)
Vasily Surikov often painted portraits of Anastasia Dobrinskaya. In the portrait from our collection, the artist created the image of a mild, sweet girl with rich inner world, which is hidden from the outer world. The modesty and even shyness of the main character can be seen in her look, expression, tilted head and position of the hands. Using contrasting large brushstrokes Surikov created the feeling of warm sunlight and the atmosphere of a summer afternoon in this portrait.
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Girl with braided hair

Creation period
1910 year
70x49 cm
canvas, oil
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  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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