Museum of the History of Statehood of Tatarstan

Museum of the History of Statehood of Tatarstan

Permanent Exhibition
The Museum of the History of Tatar Statehood and the Republic of Tatarstan
Museum of the History of Statehood of Tatarstan
The exhibit of the museum presents the main stages of the Turkic-Tatar history from the 3rd century BC until today. The exhibition demonstrates artefacts of the ancient Turkic, Bulgar and Golden Horde periods: stone statues, gold jewellery and tarkhan labels.

Also, in the collection of the museum there are exhibit items of the Soviet period — the emblems and flags of the TASSR. You can get acquainted with the modern history of Tatarstan through state documents — the Constitution of the republic and resolutions of the CEC, as well as through the awards of the first president of the republic, Mintimer Shaimiev.

The exhibition uses modern technologies: projection and sensor installations. For example, an interactive exhibition introduces viewers to the famous Kul-Tegin stele, which contains the first mention of the ethnonym Tatars.

Exhibits are marked with AR stickers for identification purposes.
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Museum of the History of Statehood of Tatarstan
+7(843) 567-80-24
420111, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Sheinkman, 1A
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