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Portrait of Alexander Pushkin (copy)

Creation period
no later than 1833
Place of сreation
Moscow, the Russian Empire
70x58 cm
canvas, oil; painting
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Alexander Pushkin commissioned this portrait for his friend Sergey Sobolevsky shortly after his return from exile. Sobolevsky lived abroad from 1828 to 1833. When he returned to the Russian Empire, he found that a copy of the portrait had been placed into the frame, and the original had disappeared.

In the 1850s, Prince Mikhail Obolensky, director of the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saw the original portrait in an antique shop and bought it. Presently, the original is kept in the All-Russian Pushkin Museum, and this copy is on display in the Pushkin House. The Russian Museum conducted an examination of this portrait and it was established that most likely it was painted by an artist Viktor Smirnov, who completed it no later than 1833.

The poet is depicted with a signet ring on the thumb of his right hand. The ring has an inscription in Hebrew. This is Pushkin’s famous talisman ring that he glorified in the poem “Guard Me, My Talisman”. This ring was presented to the poet by Yelizaveta Vorontsova at parting when he left Odessa on the 1st of August, 1824. Pushkin believed in the miraculous power of stone. According to the critic Pavel Annenkov, the poet “due to a certain tendency to superstition, associated even his own talent with the power of the ring that was covered with some Kabbalah symbols and that he took great care of.”

The ring was a large twisted gold band with a large octagonal carnelian stone of a reddish or yellowish color. An inscription in Hebrew was carved on the stone,

Simcha, the son of the venerable Rabbi Yosef, the wise one, may his memory be blessed.


Stylized images of grapes were placed above it — their design proves that the ring had a Crimean Karaite origin. Pushkin wore this ring until his death and gave it to the poet Vasily Zhukovsky on his deathbed. The writer’s letters sealed with this signet ring have also been preserved.

In a letter dated July 20, 1837, Zhukovsky wrote as follows,


My ring is a so-called talisman; the inscription is in Arabic, I do not know what it means. This is Pushkin’s ring, glorified by him and taken by me from his dead hand.


The ring passed from Zhukovsky to his son, Pavel Vasilyevich, who presented it to Ivan Turgenev. Later, after the writer’s death, Pauline Viardot donated the talisman to the Pushkin Museum in the Alexander Lyceum (Imperial Lyceum of Tsarskoye Selo), from where it was stolen in 1917.

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Portrait of Alexander Pushkin (copy)

Creation period
no later than 1833
Place of сreation
Moscow, the Russian Empire
70x58 cm
canvas, oil; painting
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  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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