In his diptych Ivan-da-Marya the artist Alexander Zolotykh has embodied his idea of the man and the woman in the Russian culture. He produced two still-life paintings of household items that, together, fall into the traditional, almost folklore images of a peasant family, of a husband and a wife, Ivan and Maria.
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Maria. Diptych Ivan-da-Maria
Creation period
126,5x140,5 cm
oil on canvas
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Alexander Zolotykh
Maria. Diptych Ivan-da-Maria
Zolotykh’s Maria appears to be a skillful, thrifty housewife, dotting mother, a faithful help and support to her husband. The sickle and rake are at the fore of the diptych: during the harvesting of cereals, men used the scythe while women cut the stems with sickles and raked them into stacks. The canvas also shows the purely feminine items: a spinning wheel, a washtub, a shoulder-yoke on which water buckets were carried. Laid on the table are a flour sieve and a clay jug, with a wooden spoon at the side. All of the utensils are clean and neat as should be with a good housewife. Next, on an embroidered kitchen towel, is an icon of the Mother of God who, in the Russian Orthodox tradition was considered the patron saint of women and children.
At the back is a cradle under a canopy of a piece of cloth. Fixed to its side is a straw doll. Next, hanging from the wall, is a bunch of dry herbs which were stored for winter to add to tea and thus treat colds and other illnesses.
For his diptych Ivan-da-Maria the artist chose warm colours with various tones of brown, golden, beige and white. The room housing the items looks as if brightly lit by sunlight.
Alezander Zolotykh said that the diptych Ivan-da-Maria was his best loved work. The artist was born to a peasant family, and the settings he depicted in the two paintings were familiar from an early age.
Alexander Zolotykh grew in the village of Siniye Lipyaghi in the Voronezh region. In 1990 he graduated from the Surikov Arts School in Moscow. In 2015, Zolotykh was awarded the title of honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Art. He did landscapes, portraits, and still life and genre paintings.
One of the better-known works by Alexander Zolotykh is a portrait entitled Natasha showing a girl in a grey-coloured shirt. The model was an art student, Natalia Tsareva, who was later to become the Vatican’s artist in residence and produced several portraits of Pope John-Paul II.
Belgorod State Art Museum
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Maria. Diptych Ivan-da-Maria
Creation period
126,5x140,5 cm
oil on canvas

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