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Pig pitcher

Creation period
Place of сreation
the Republic of Dagestan
104,5x84 cm
acrylic, mixed media
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The contemporary Dagestan artist Patimat Guseinova is the creator of the “Sloy” project, which developed following archaeological excavations in Dagestan of the early Middle Ages period. The artist used specific archaeological finds and reproduced their image on canvases. The project aimed to explore the colors of the past and convey the grandeur of bygone eras.
I was holding ancient grain grinders, I could feel their age-old smell… The Derbent expedition lasted 15 days, but it seemed like an eternity to me. I was eager to get down to work on the canvas. ‘Sloy’ appeared within two months.
Patimat Guseinova
The historical project “Sloy” includes 24 paintings, and “Pig-Pitcher” is one of them. Patimat Guseinova translates the aesthetics and meanings of ancient cultures through personal perception of materials and experiments with color and techniques. In this series of works the artist reveals the past layer by layer and explores it in the unity of the three components — form, material and decoration.

The pitcher used as the basis of the painting was found during excavations near the highland village of Khuri. The shapes of traditional Balkharan vessels for storing grain, water, irrigation and oil were refined over the centuries. Most often zoomorphic signs — images of animals — were used to decorate jugs. This was pagan symbolism, a tribute to various patron gods. The handles of pitchers could be in the shape of animals, but in the course of time, realistic figures gave way to stylized ones similar to the shape of the vessel. Patimat Huseynova noticed the resemblance of the spout of a medieval jug to a piglet’s snout, hence the name of the painting.
Patimat Guseinova’s love for the nature and culture of her native Dagestan, as well as her passion for drawing, began in her childhood, “I do not remember myself not drawing. Even as a preschooler, I would invite myself along my elder sister for a drawing lesson and tried so hard to depict a pear that I wiped the paper to holes. It is difficult not to be an artist, poet or composer in Dagestan, because you see mountains and forests during the day and stars at night. Sunsets in our village were demonically beautiful. If a child sees something like that, it will never be erased.”
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Pig pitcher

Creation period
Place of сreation
the Republic of Dagestan
104,5x84 cm
acrylic, mixed media
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To see AR mode in action:
  1. Install ARTEFACT app for 
  2. iOS or Android;
  3. Find and download the «Paintings in Details» exhibition
  4. Push the «Augmented reality» button and point your phone's camera at the painting;
  5. Watch what happens on your phone screen whilst you flip through the pictures.
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